Heard it from boy Mormon Missionaries.
DAVEH:  Really.....!   And they specifically used the term "sin" when they were discussing it with you???  I suppose their mission leader could have asked them not to read anti literature.  Disobeying that request then may have been considered a transgression or "sin" to them, I suppose.  Right off hand though, I do not know of any Church edict that says reading anti material is sinful.  Let me ask Blaine if he knows something about this I don't.......Blaine???
I have seen the same philosophy here on TT.  It all fits together.
Red flag.  He has to use Mormon wisdom here.  Truth is I was told by some Mormons that it is a sin to read material like this.

DAVEH:  Not by me.  I've heard some in the Church recommend against reading negative material, but I do not recall ever hearing it called "sin to read material like this".  I'd be interested in hearing Blaine's response to your question.  Blaine???
    IF that is really what a well rooted LDS person told you Glenn, I suspect you misunderstood what they said.  Or, perhaps you had heard it from a ex-LDS person(s) who had an ax to grind.

Dave Hansen

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