Pious righteousness.
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  I am trying to be courteous in my responses, and there reaches a point where arguing (in the good sense of the word) becomes futile and only leads to contentious arguing (in the bad sense of the word.)

    FWIW.....I suspect there are many on TT who are more righteous than me.

"I respectfully disagree" has been found by me to mean, this can't be proved by the Bible alone.
Anybody who wants to make disparaging comments about LDS theology will get little more than "I respectfully disagree" from me.  If you have a sincere question and wish to discuss LDS theology, I'll respond to the best of my ability.  But please don't try
to drag me into the mire.  I'll leave that pit to those who despise my LDS beliefs.
Dave Hansen

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