Perry wrote:
> Hey, Glenn, you are not alone. I, too, understand 
> that salvation comes through faith, "not of works, 
> lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:8,9) 

Amen.  I believe this too.

Perry wrote:
> There is NOTHING WE CAN DO to save ourselves. 
> It is totally a work of our Lord and Savior. 
> To God be the glory for his endless mercy and 
> grace.

Ask yourself where you heard this kind of teaching?  I'm talking about
the way you worded your commentary.  Does the Bible teach this anywhere?
What teaching in the Bible supports this idea of "NOTHING WE CAN DO" to
save ourselves?  (I'm serious... this is not a rhetorical question...
please give me references.)

Didn't Peter preach, "save yourselves from this untoward generation"
(Acts 2:40)?  What good does it do to tell people to save themselves if
there is nothing they can do?  

I think if you are honest with examining where you got your viewpoint
here, you will see that it came not from studying the Bible, but from
listening to popular Christian preachers.  It comes from the instant
salvation, easy believism kind of Christianity that does not tell
believers to count the cost to see whether or not they can pay the price
it will take to follow Christ.

When Jesus was asked how to obtain eternal life, did he say something
like, "there is absolutely nothing you can do to save yourself and
inherit eternal life.  All you can do is pray this prayer and trust God
to save you.  There is nothing you can do, it is all by grace alone and
faith alone."  No, what Jesus taught was, "if you will enter into life,
keep the commandments" (Mat. 19:17).  This is a teaching of Christ that
I reference for you that I think should be considered.  Do you have a
reference that somehow does away with this teaching of Christ?  Glenn
offered John 3:16, but nothing in this passage supports anything other
than faith is what saves us, and we all agree with that.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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