jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the rest of scripture
and the book of Mormon along with the other two books are 'another gospel'
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by Isaiah.  (Is 29:11-18)
jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture. No prophecy of scripture is interpreted independently it must fit in with the rest of scripture and there should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. Isaiah here is speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one. I've read that JS was upset with what he saw in the churches and can understand this sentiment but he was deceived by the angel and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another Jesus'
DAVEH:  I'm not sure why you think such, though you are right......I've heard it many times on TT. 
jt: Probably because as the scriptures say "His sheep recognize His
voice and another voice they do not follow"  The Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice'
DAVEH: FTR......My Jesus died for me that I will live again.  That is one very important part of salvation.....to overcome physical death.  He also atoned for my sins IF I availeth myself to him and endure to the end.......THEN I will "achieve" full salvation.  Now understand this, Judy.  That I have to take some steps by myself to reach that point where I can return to heaven, it is something I canNOT do myself alone.  It is only by virtue of our Lord's grace that I have the opportunity to reach the full potential for which God has foreordained me to obtain.  I hope that helps you understand my belief a bit better.  (And, I hope I haven't confused you with my explanation!)
jt: This sounds a lot like the real but when you add the ascending toward godhood and whole temple ritual thing that is from what I've heard taken from Masonic ritual and this is the old mystery religious stuff, the regenerative principle - it dresses itself differently outwardly but is basically the same as the high places in Israel when they were in apostasy and also what TPW is into.

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