Judy wrote:
> Regeneration by baptism is NOT a scriptural teaching.

This statement seems rather arrogant to me.  Surely you must understand
that very good students of the Scriptures have held to regeneration by
baptism.  For example, Martin Luther believed it.  Luther was a champion
of saved by grace through faith alone, yet he believed in baptismal
regeneration.  Are you seriously going to say that Martin Luther's
teaching on this matter was not from the Scriptures?

There are literally millions upon millions of Christians throughout the
ages who have considered regeneration in baptism to be Scriptural.
Besides Roman Catholics, the Lutherans teach it, the Anglican church
teaches it, the Eastern Orthodox churches teach it, the Stone-Campbell
restoration churches teach it, such as the churches of Christ, the
Christian Church, and the Disciples of Christ.  I can understand if you
have a disagreement and interpret the Scriptures differently, but let's
not get so arrogant that we claim that it is NOT a Scriptural teaching.
The variances of understanding of baptism and its role in regeneration
all stem from the Scriptures.  All the viewpoints have their basis in
Scripture, some emphasizing certain Scriptures over others, and some,
such as your viewpoint, tend to out right deny that certain passages in
the Bible should be read exactly as they are written (e.g., 1 Peter

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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