DAVEH:  My latest post is in RED......

Kevin Deegan wrote:

OK,The Prophet states you must be PERFECT NOW
DAVEH:  Excuse me, Kevin......But you purposely misquoted SWK.
 You state it can wait, you are not perfect nowWho is right?
DAVEH:  You might want to read the entire chapter to understand the context of what SWK was saying, Kevin.  When you below quoted "WE MUST BECOME PERFECT NOW", that was NOT part of SWK's text.  His comment "the time to do this is now" refers to the continuing process of repenting and striving for the perfection Jesus commanded of us.
 Are you a General Authority,
DAVEH:  No......far from it.
in order to contradict another General Authority?
DAVEH:  The contradiction is a perception of your mind, Kevin.  Have you taken the time to read the entire section yet?  (Beginning on page 208.)  Please do so if you wish to discuss the perfection process to which SWK referring.It says you MUST ELIMINATE SINS in this world
DAVEH:  "It" (your below quote) might have said it, but SWK did not.  Once again, Kevin, you have not only taken SWK's words out of context, but you have misquoted them.  SWK did not say "MUST ELIMINATE SINS" as you have intimated.  Please read the entire section beginning on page 4 and ending on page 6 and then let's have a serious discussion about it.
 Have you eliminated sins?
DAVEH:  I'm not sure why I should confess my weaknesses to you, Kevin.....but FTR.....no, I am not yet perfect.  (BTW.....That is not a surprise to my kids, though my Mother might be distressed hearing such!)   <VBG>

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Kevin Deegan wrote:

WE MUST BECOME PERFECT NOWChrist became perfect through overcoming. Only as we overcome shall we become perfect and move toward godhood. As I have indicated previously, the time to do this is now, in mortality" The Miracle of Forgiveness Spencer W Kimball President & Prophet p 210. WE MUST ELIMINATE SINS IN OUR MORTAL STATE"One definite purpose...assuming the mortal state...We were to control our urges and desires, master and control our passions, and overcome our weaknesses, small and large. We were to eliminate sins of omission and of comission" M.of F. Kimball p 5So your religion is ineffective for you. You are not progressing to godhood.
DAVEH:  Since you did not frame that as a question, Kevin, I accept it as simply an ill informed comment.
Dave Hansen
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