Christ became perfect through overcoming. Only as we overcome shall we become perfect and move toward godhood. As I have indicated previously, the time to do this is now, in mortality" The Miracle of Forgiveness Spencer W Kimball President & Prophet p 210.
"One definite purpose...assuming the mortal state...We were to control our urges and desires, master and control our passions, and overcome our weaknesses, small and large. We were to eliminate sins of omission and of comission" M.of F. Kimball p 5
So your religion is ineffective for you. You are not progressing to godhood.

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  My latest post is in PINK.......

Kevin Deegan wrote:

Just wanted to make sure we all understand what one another are sayingWhen you use the term salvation, it has a different meaning than what some on this board would understand it as.
DAVEH:   That is correct.  I have explained this previous to your coming to TT, but I will be happy to explain it again.  To me, 'full/complete salvation' means to enter heaven, which doesn't happen until after the resurrection and judgment.  That is rather a simple explanation, however.So what I posted is True LDS doctrine?
DAVEH:  I don't know.  I didn't read it.  I skimmed it to see if you asked any questions, and didn't see any.  I have a lot of mail to sort through, and I didn't think I needed you to tell me what I believe....
  I do have one issue to bring up.The perfection thing. LDS doctrine & general authorities say perfection is for here & now" If this is our purpose
DAVEH:  Yes.....it is ONE factor of our purpose.  It is not the only reason though.  (Furthermore, I suspect you may be misunderstanding this principle due to the lack of context of what you have quoted.)
and I am assuming you have been LDS a while,
DAVEH:  Correct......since 1956.
why aren't you far down this road?
DAVEH:  I'm not a Mormon poster child.  If I were, I wouldn't be on TT!   <VBG>
 Why don't you have control?
DAVEH:  I guess I'm a little human, despite some TTer's suspicions......   :-)
What sins have you eliminated?
DAVEH:   ROTFLOL.......Right......you want me to confess my weaknesses publicly in TT?!?!?!?!   Are you nuts, Kevin!!!!   Look what Dean wants to do with my underwear!   Why don't I just hand you a big sharp knife and ask you to plant it between my shoulder blades while my back is turned......

Dave Hansen
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