Blaine; I hear the JS was rich in wives. Unlike Messiah, who had none. Izzy

I would not say rich. LDS doctrine says this is part of his exaltation and godhood, celestrial sex. Eternal lives is eternal increase, more & more seed! In fact if you are not Married in the Temple, there will be weeping wailing & gnashing of teeth!
D&C 132:19b-20a "exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.

Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods"
In D&C 132:37 Abraham is counted righteous for having concubines, that bore him children! 
D&C 101 condemns having more than 1 wife
Read at the General Assembly of August 17, 1835, and accepted as part of the Doctrine and Covenants. The article on marriage appeared in 1835, 1844,45,46 editions until 1876, when it was quietly removed & the Polygamous D&C 132 was added. This was printed for years as a cover up, while many other denials went forth from the general Authorities who secretly practised "plural marriage from at least the mid 1830's on.
The 1835 D&C 101 v1 states "we believe that all marriages in this Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints should be solemnized in a public meeting or feast"
A PUBLIC Meeting? Not a secret temple ceremony?
DC 101 v2 'You both mutually agree to be each other's companion, husband and wife, observing the legal rights belonging to this condition: that is, keeping yourselves wholly for each other, and from all others, during your lives?' 
DC 101 v4 Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again.
Seeing as this was the accepted WORD OF THE LORD, the LAW for the church, and the ONLY "RULE FOR MARRIAGE...PRACTISED IN THE CHURCH" TS 3 Oct 1842
Why did Joe break this?
D&C 42:22 Thou shalt alove thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else.
D&C 49:16 Wherefore, it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the cearth might answer the end of its creation;
Even the wording of D&C 132 verse 52 "And let mine handmaid, Emma Smith, receive all those that have been given unto my servant Joseph"
uses the past tense, commanding Emma to accept those Joe had enterered into.
Emma by special command was to have no other man verse 54 yet most of Joes first wives lived with their other husbands.
Therefore Joe unlawfully had more than one wife and was a FORNICATOR (D&C 101 verse 4).
Susquehanna Register May 1 1834
LEVI LEWIS states, that he has "been acquainted with Joseph Smith Jr. and Martin Harris, and that he has heard them both say, adultery was no crime. Harris said he did not blame Smith for his (Smith's) attempt to seduce Eliza Winters &c.;"
"the first well authenticated case of polygamy took place in which Joseph Smith was "sealed" to the hired girl. The "sealing" took place in a barn on the hay mow, and was witnessed by Mrs. Smith through a crack in the door!"
Fanny, that "dirty little secret" was responsible for the rash of excommunications in 1838
HoC v3 p230 1838
Joe said "Was it for adultery that we were assailed?"
"Satan taking advantage of this, has perverted it into LICENTIOUSNESS, such as a COMMUNITY OF WIVES, which is an abomination in the sight of God."
We now know; in spite of Joe's protestations, there really was just such a community, and even Joe said it was an ABOMINATION.
William Law's wife stated in 1844 "Joseph  had asked her to give him half her love; she was at liberty to keep the other half for her husband"
"A common misconception concerning Joseph Smith's polyandry is that he participated in only one or two such unusual unions. In fact, fully one-third of his plural wives, eleven of them, were married civilly to other men when he married them. If one superimposes a chronological perspective, one sees that of Smith's first twelve wives, nine were polyandrous" Compton p 15-16
JoD v2 p 13 When the family organization was revealed from heaven—the patriarchal order of God, and Joseph began, on the right and on the left, to add to his family, what a quaking there was in Israel. Says one brother to another, "Joseph says all covenants are done away, and none are binding but the new covenants; now suppose Joseph should come and say he wanted your wife, what would you say to that?"
p14 What would a man of God say, who felt aright, when Joseph asked him for his money? He would say, "Yes, and I wish I had more to help to build up the kingdom of God." Or if he came and said, I want your wife?" "O yes," he would say, "here she is; there are plenty more."
Joe encouraged his Polyandrous wives to stay with their legal husbands, this provided good cover.
"Joseph was very free in his talk about his women. He told me one day of a certain girl and remarked, that she had given him more pleasure than any girl he had ever enjoyed. I told him it was horrible to talk like this" Interview with William Law. March 30, 1887 Daily Tribune: Salt Lake City, July 31, 1887
Sidney Rigdon said "The leaders of the church were monsters in human form; that Joseph was cut off for his transgression, that Joseph Smith departed from the living God, and like David and Solomon he contracted a whoring spirit and that the Lord smote him off from the earth" Evans p 91
Joe was a fornicator, adulterer, bigamist, he enterered into polyandrous and polygynous relations. The bible forbids a woman to have more than one man  The bible condemns marrying sisters or Mother & daughter. Joe tried it all, at 37 years old he had a 16 year old, he was a pervert. Those are the facts.
BIGAMY The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another. 
PLURAL MARRIAGE [In Mormon History terms it not just more than one spouse, but Celestial marriage (or more than one wife) through special permission, authority, sanction, vow, covenant and sometimes command, by or on behalf of God. ]
POLYGAMY The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Technically this could mean more than one husband, but most people think it only means more than one wife.  Some people inaccurately refer to bigamy as 2 wives and polygamy as 3 or more wives. Also referred to as plural or Celestial marriage by most Mormons, to refer to more than one wife. 
POLYGYNY The condition or practice of having more than one wife at one time. 
POLYANDRY The condition or practice marrying or of having more than one husband at one time.  [See the story of  Joseph Smith, Adam Lightner and Mary Elizabeth Rollins.  The majority of the early marriages of Joseph Smith were of the polyandry type (8 of the first 11). ]
BIGAMY is a felony under Utah State Code 76-7-101.
Utah constitution prohibits Polygamous or Plural marriages
A couple of the Church presidents were convicted of unlawful cohabitation in the late 1800's

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