Dean Moore wrote:

Dean writes 12/15:

Izzy at the annual convention in Salt Lake City- which the Mormons hold twice a year due to being worse sinners the the Jews who only had to go to the Temple once a year for forgiveness ( ie. according to Mormons one who doesn't go to heaven unless they go to the Temple)- They have young women-which I take to be virgins in groups of six who stand in front of the Temple and sing. These young women are window dressings to remind the Mormons of what they receive for being Mormons-plenty of sex-now and in heaven. Because the Mormons believe that if they are kind to me then they get to go to a higher heaven and closer to godhood-I get then to sing "Amazing Grace" while I preach the Gospel-they do it every time I ask but don't like it. These young women will not leave their posts come rain ,snow or shine. This is how deep this demon doctrine is rooted. While growing up in the Mormon school DaveH -as all Mormons -have to chant daily that the prophet is always right. I feel sorry for his type-but when truth has been shown to ,deny that proven truth is to choose evil over good-as DaveH has done. The teachers of their schools also bring in "Baptist Preacher (who are really Mormon pretenders)" to attack their religion with many of the same things we are saying to then right now-to get then used to our "attacts"-so we hit them hard to shatter this trance-and as Ruben said"If you could see their trance like faces then you would understand why we do as we do". Even so DaveH has been given much and still teaches this lie to take from the Gospel of Christ to add to JS-this I will not tolerate for he serves Satan -as we all were fooled at one time-while we listened- DaveH chooses the foolishness and seeks to corrupt others-that is why he is here-not to learn.
DAVEH:  Dean.......If you are trying to read my mind, you not only may be violating the Lord's wishes, but you definitely are reading it wrong!  And.....I should say, you are teaching me a lot about fanatical Christianity.

Dave Hansen
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