Questions for Blaine
Still waiting on specific examples of
"straw men attacks"
How I am "prejudiced"
How I am "presumptuous"
Or is it that since you can not deal with the subject matter, you must resort to poisioning the well?
Also waiting for the DATE of the restoration of the Melchisedec priesthood!
If this never happened how does this affect your Authority?
What was that date?
You may be wondering why the attack on how we do not work. The reason this comes up from LDS is they are told that the people "protesting" are being paid to do so. Also the old version of the Temple ceremony has the devil directing & paying a protestant preacher, who is a symbol of all Protestant preachers- puppets of satan. So instead of people yelling "get a job" the LDS ask "how much do you get paid for this?" What an insidious way to innoculate the people from the message. Would you take the message for real if the preacher was being paid?
The LDS Church has the wrong number of Apostles! You have 16!
The 12 plus the 3 Nephites that NEVER died going about preaching and converting till Jesus comes back. Plus John who never died & did the same. That makes 16!
Actually that is short of the number of Apostles, that the MORMON Jesus appointed. He appointed 12 in the Old world & 12 in the New So you should have 24. Does that mean you broke the line of Authority? What about those that apostacize? Do they still have authority? Half of the first 12 Mormon apostles Apostacized. What happened to their Authority?
I have always wondered about Jesus cleansing the Temple.
Being all powerful he could have leveled the place with just his words. Instead he choose to Fashion with His own hands a instrument that used would inflict pain. Why not just speak His will and cleanse it in a miraclulous fashion?
I believe the reason He performed the cleansing work by hand himself, is that God could not find a man. What a ruckus He must have caused, turning over tables is not a gentle _expression_ of disaproval. Maybe the LDS should be glad we are not called to cleanse their temple. I do not think God gives a hoot cause he is not anywhere near that joint! He "dwells in temples NOT built with hands". Last Time I was on the Plaza, I had a wonderful Worship Service right on Prime Real Estate, in front on the main entrance to the temple. Just a few feet away. We had prayer, praise, hymns & testimony. It was not ANTI or negative whatsoever. We lifted the name of Jesus. The reaction of the LDS preists going to service was unbelieveable. They started cursing! I asked all the people who had witnessed this why a priest going to a religious service would curse, when all I was saying was Jesus is the sweetest name I know? Street Preachers do not always rebuke, we do praise the name of Jesus. I will praise my savior now, in public not just under the BRICK LAMPSHADE in the meeting house on Sunday. I want the whole world (the Great Congregation) to know I am a christian.

PS 40:2-3 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.

 PS 40:9-10 I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.

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