----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] False Teachers


>* Yes he warned her and she listened -Does Daveh listen? I have been to the
>well with him-has he gone and told his brethren to come and listen to us as
>the women did?

DAVEH:  Well, yes Dean......I am responsible for inviting a few LDS folks to join TT.  If for no other reason, wouldn't you want me to remain on TT so I can encourage other Mormons to join TT???  Who knows.....I may be responsible for more hard core Mormons listening to your message than what you have done on your own by street preaching in SLC!     :-)

Dean writes:

Daveh do you give them advice before they come on this site-is there any prep work done? And-if it is okay to ask and we are both being honest towards each other-what do you say to them?The reason I ask this is because I how noticed you cautioning Blaine not to go into certain areas of you belief.

 Blaine:  I came to TT because both Dave H and Dave M were such nice guys.  Neither one gave me any prep taking though.  Just a friendly welcome.  I am on my own, as you are no doubt aware.  But I am, like DaveH, learning quite a bit about protestanism and all of its variations firsthand.  That is probably my main motivation now, although I admit to trying to inject a little Mormonism into the posts--it is good for you guys to see a better way (:>).



> I have shared much Bible with you.  The problem is that like the
> Mormons, you just don't accept it.  We clearly have a different way of
> looking at how intimate e-mail is and whether or not e-mail can be a
> public forum open to everyone.  You seem to have the mindset that a
> believer like myself cannot create an open forum using an e-mail list.

* I agree with an open forum but to allow a false prophet

DAVEH:  Dean, I am assuming you are referring to me..... (1) May I ask you how you define prophet, (2)and how do you think I fit your profile?
 Dean writes:
 1.A false prophet is someone who teaches/preaches/speakes another Gospel other than the one Jesus of Nazareth taught. 2.Sin is good so eat the fruit-God has sex with Mary-You will be a God-Satan and Jesus are brothers-The Temple is a way to heaven which one must enter through-Baptism for the dead-Celestial marriage- Joe. Smith restored the fallen church...etc. All is another gospel.
 How many time must I answer this question Daveh?

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