Dean Moore
Fear God and keep His commandments/ trust Jesus

 Blaine:  I came to TT because both Dave H and Dave M were such nice guys.  Neither one gave me any prep taking though.  Just a friendly welcome.  I am on my own, as you are no doubt aware.  But I am, like DaveH, learning quite a bit about protestanism and all of its variations firsthand.  That is probably my main motivation now, although I admit to trying to inject a little Mormonism into the posts--it is good for you guys to see a better way (:>).


Dean writes:

The gospel we teach/preach is the Gospel of Jesus Christ-to bring a "better" gospel is to bring a different gospel-this qualifies you as a false teacher which we are to avoid-and a non Christian. If you are on your on-  then why all the cautions from Daveh? Are you being honest here or are you living up to the words of B. Young-and can out smart and out lie anyone in the world?



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