From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I started this, I think--Judy seems to be having a difficult time
accepting that there is a  difference between the potential for sin and
accomplished sin.  Jesus had the potential for sin--otherwise the devil
would not have taken him up on the high mtn to tempt him.  Jesus did not
succomb, either then or ever afterwards--or before, however..

I don't have a hard time understanding the potential for sin vs
sin Blaine.  What I don't accept is Jesus being born with the spiritual
left to the rest of us by the first Adam after his fall. Jesus did not
have Adam's
genes - He was created in Mary's womb by the Holy Spirit. Is that too
hard for
God or is it just hard for us to accept? He is not the fruit of any
fallen person's
body. If God could create the first Adam full grown, why is it so hard to
accept that God could create a baby in Mary's womb independent of Mary?
Has science become our new god.


> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Judy wrote:
> > Jesus had no inheritance in the first
> > Adam, he was born of the woman.
> DavidM:
> The woman Mary was descended from Adam; ergo,
> Jesus was descended from Adam and had inheritance
> in Adam (see Luke 3 for the direct genealogy to Adam).
> Judy:
> I am speaking of spiritual inheritance which is different
> and spiritual inheritance always comes through the Father.
> Jesus was created in Mary's womb; he was not born of
> fornication, neither was his spiritual inheritance in the first
> Adam - remember it was Adam that transgressed (he chose
> to sin after the woman was deceived) and God held both
> accountable. (Rom 5:14).
> DavidM:
> We know from Scripture that Jesus was of the same flesh
> that we have, and he was therefore partaker of the same
> sinful nature that is part of this flesh, being tempted in
> every way that we are (Romans 8:3, Hebrews 4:15,
> 1 John 4:2, 2 John 1:7).
> Judy:
> Being tempted proves nothing and is not sin. God allows
> everything He creates to be tested.  If Jesus had an
> inheritance in the first Adam he would have been born
> spiritually dead like the rest of us and He would have had
> to have been 'born again' just like the rest of us also.....
> but he was very much alive to the voice of the Father even
> at age 12 he knew more than all of the teachers in Israel.
> Grace adn Peace,
> Judy
> ----------
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