From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is this a new revelation or old hat?
I am very interested to know the answer to this. Did you GENTILE
TTers know you were considered "ridiculous" before or did you just
find this out?
Kevin you need to learn the difference between the ad homenim and
someone's opinion.  This nephew is calling the Baptist pastor's belief
'ridiculous' not the man himself.  You do the exact same thing to DaveH
and Blaine all the time.  You must spend a lot of time studying the
Mormon material that you post on TT to show how contradictory and
ridiculous it is to you.
So tell me - what's the difference??  Makes no difference to me that
the Mormons call me a Gentile. According to God's Word I am a Gentile,
washed in the blood of the lamb...& whose name is written in the
Lambs Book of Life.

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Read the post, you just missed it, no big deal on this.
I hope you do not miss it when it really matters!
DAVEH: Note to some of the old TTers........Jeff has been gone from TT
some 20 ! months now, but he still refers to TT in some of his posts to
his Mom (who transcribes them for email distribution). Here is an
excerpt from his latest letter home that I thought some of you might
find interesting........
  I have tracted through the area a couple times since I got here.  And
it is tough.  A lot of apathy.  Everybody is
Catholic or Baptist.  We tracted into a Baptist preacher last week.  He
liked us, but of course we are a cult.  Well anyway he
invited us to this Bible study.  We watched him preach, then went into
the (illegible word), and he tried to bash with us.  I have
come to new conclusions.  The things he was saying were more ridiculous
than ANYTHING I ever heard on Truth Talk.  I am so
grateful that we are not being led by the blind.

Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of My Nephew Jeff

I am very interested to know the answer to this. Did you GENTILE TTers know you were considered "ridiculous" before or did you just find this out?
Blaine:  Who called anyone rediculous, Kevin?  Did you imagine this?    Are you going paranoid psycho on us?  Maybe I missed something--DaveH and I are the only two Mormons I know of, and I know neither of us has said anything about anyone being rediculous.
LDS Modus Operandi: Pretend to be loving and sincere, but when among your own, Mock and Sneer. Image is everything.
School spokesman Duff Tittle told the Salt Lake Tribune the photo had been altered because tattoos (along with smoking, drinking and premarital sex) violate the Mormon school's rules. "We have touched up photos for years -- as far as removing tattoos, covering up bellybuttons, just things like that," Tittle says.
Blaine:  Mr. Tittle offers a perfectly good reason for covering up the tatoos and etc.  He says,  "it's easier to doctor photos than deal with irate callers demanding to know why athletes are being immodest or wearing tattoos that many Latter-day Saints deem offensive or a violation of church standards."
  Having been a teacher, I know if a standard is set for a certain behavior, and a popular person models the breaking of the standard, others are more likely to follow.  In Psychology, it is called "imitative learning," sometimes referred to as "social learning,"and is a major source of learned behaviors in students of all ages.  Summed up, it says, "Monkey see, monkey do."  Generally, the more popular the person, the more likely others will follow his/her lead.  Athletes, of course,  are popular almost by default. 
Mayor outlines program to repair the rift among Mormons and others living in Salt Lake
"This is what happens when you leave the church" and "You're a traitor to your religion."
 Devotional addresses the disturbing comments and reactions

Hi Dave:
I find it interesting that your nephew is stuck on the same question
as you and what does the _expression_ "tracted into" mean?

The apathy does not surprise me; nor does the confusion concerning
"truth" because there is massive Bible illiteracy out there even among
those in leadership positions in nominal Churches. Have you seen any
Barna polls on this?

How is your nephew so certain he is not being led by the blind? Has
he been born again by the Spirit of God and is he a follower of the
resurrected Christ? One who walks after the Spirit daily or is he just
another follower of Joseph Smith and his BofM?

How sad and what a shame that Christians are so lethargic.

Grace and Peace,

DAVEH: Note to some of the old TTers........Jeff has been gone from TT
some 20 ! months now, but he still refers to TT in some of his posts to
his Mom (who transcribes them for email distribution). Here is an
excerpt from his latest letter home that I thought some of you might
find interesting........

I have tracted through the area a couple times since I got here. And
it is tough. A lot of apathy. Everybody is
Catholic or Baptist. We tracted into a Baptist preacher last week. He
liked us, but of course we are a cult. Well anyway he
invited us to this Bible study. We watched him preach, then went into
the (illegible word), and he tried to bash with us. I have
come to new conclusions. The things he was saying were more than ANYTHING I ever heard on Truth Talk. I am so
grateful that we are not being led by the blind. This is one thing he

I asked him, "Why would God create somebody to send them to Hell?
Did he know that?

Him: Of course. God is Holy, He is ! just. He knows everything. That
person was CREATED to give Him glory by going to Hell.

me: How's that???

Him: By proving that God is just. . .

Send that to Dave. . . See what he thinks. Well I am out of room. I
gotta go.
love, Jeff
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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