that the Pope allegedly said 'it is as it was' is interesting, eh?
e.g., what if he'd have said(?), 'that ain't how it happened'
jt: I wouldn't have expected him to rock the boat since the Pope
and Mel Gibson are of the same religious mindset. Both are heavily
into Mariolatry and see her in the role of co-redemptrix.  I keep
thinking of Jonah's insight after he had completely blown it and
God gave him another chance.  He said "those that observe lying
vanities forsake their own mercy" I don't want to forget that....
It's my opinion that Mary would have had an even greater role in
this movie if it wouldn't have alienated the Evangelicals... Gibson
marketed this movie using Evangelical leaders

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

G ~ P 235
On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 04:07:06 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Let God be God and every man a liar

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