No, I'll let Luther speak for himself, but when I see Luther I'll ask him for you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Passion of the Christ

From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote > Just contributing something different for consideration....
since you may be reacting to the "faith" movement where ppl are taught
to have faith in their faith Mr. Bill.  I don't believe from what I've read from
Terry that he is one of these.  Terry?????
wt: I say > It's fine to contribute, Judy, do that to your hearts content --
but I'll put words in my own mouth, thank you very much.
jt: Goodness, we are touchy today - not the qualifier above. I was not
putting anything in your mouth Sir.
wt: No, I was not thinking of the "faith" movement here. If you'll look at
what I did say, you'll see it is quite the opposite of that. Indeed, I said
what I wanted to say, and that was that maybe there is a way of looking
at salvation such that it lets Jesus Christ be the object of it all.
jt: Of course he's the object of it all since there is no salvation outside
of Him; what would make you think Terry was alluding to something else?
wt:This is hardly faith in faith. Where did you come up with something
like that? Did you even read what I said before starting in on me? I
thought we had gotten beyond that stuff.
jt: Just trying to be helpful....and yes I did read what you wrote.
wt: Since you included Martin Luther in one of your other posts,
I'll do the same here. Luther said that "faith" is like eyes. Eyes do not
create what they see; they see what is already created.
jt: And faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
that are not seen...
wt: Faith does not create salvation; it sees the salvation already
created in Christ Jesus.
jt: Can you describe this?

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] The Passion of the Christ

> From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Terry wrote, "We are not saved by being inerrant.  We are saved by
> faith."
> I say, at the risk of alienating myself from the friends I have, I would
> like weigh in on this one. Maybe it is not our faith that saves us - but
> Christ in whom we have faith.
> jt: If we have the right kind of faith then it is the faith of Christ,
> after all it is He
> who is both author and finisher of same.
> wt: It was the object of our faith who lived, died, rose again, and
> ascended to
> sit next to his Father. We are in him now, as he mediates and sanctifies
> our
> poofahs.
> jt: Without faith it is impossible to please the Father who calls an
> unbelieving
> heart evil... How can we be sure we are "In Him?"
> wt: So wonderful is it to know that we are saved by him! I fear that when
> the emphasis shifts from Christ to the Jesus-and-me of modern
> Christianity,
> then what becomes finally important is 'my faith,' 'my decision,' 'my
> conversion,'
> and not really Christ himself.
> jt: Is it totally out of the ballpark to take responsibility for oneself?
> bt: Please don't take any of this the wrong way. I know that I am bucking
> against the goads here. If I'm all wet, then shake me off or toss me
> towel.
> jt: Just contributing something different for consideration.... since you
> may be reacting to the "faith" movement where ppl are taught to have
> faith in their faith Mr. Bill.  I don't believe from what I've read from
> Terry that he is one of these.  Terry?????
> judyt
> God allows the devil to raise up heretics
> to make his people study
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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