From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Terry wrote, "We are not saved by being inerrant.  We are saved by

I say, at the risk of alienating myself from the friends I have, I would
like weigh in on this one. Maybe it is not our faith that saves us - but
Christ in whom we have faith. 

jt: If we have the right kind of faith then it is the faith of Christ,
after all it is He
who is both author and finisher of same.

wt: It was the object of our faith who lived, died, rose again, and
ascended to 
sit next to his Father. We are in him now, as he mediates and sanctifies

jt: Without faith it is impossible to please the Father who calls an
heart evil... How can we be sure we are "In Him?"

wt: So wonderful is it to know that we are saved by him! I fear that when

the emphasis shifts from Christ to the Jesus-and-me of modern
then what becomes finally important is 'my faith,' 'my decision,' 'my
and not really Christ himself.

jt: Is it totally out of the ballpark to take responsibility for oneself?

bt: Please don't take any of this the wrong way. I know that I am bucking
against the goads here. If I'm all wet, then shake me off or toss me

jt: Just contributing something different for consideration.... since you
may be reacting to the "faith" movement where ppl are taught to have
faith in their faith Mr. Bill.  I don't believe from what I've read from 
Terry that he is one of these.  Terry?????


God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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