Back in the old days, before computers to zip out copies. There were companies that printed forms. Sometimes forms would have a sort of part number. Would the form number printed on the bottom of the form, be legally binding? Would the form number be part of the terms of a contract?

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:
The headings & chapter verses are not in the mss. They are not part of the text and not part of Gods word
You embarass yourself by claiming you thought the headings were scripture.
DAVEH:  Forgive me for being naive, Kevin.  As you are well aware, I'm not high on the TT IQ quotient protocol here.
that is just foolishness on your part. Perhaps you greatly desire to see something, anything,  that will align with your preconcieved notions about errors in the Bible.
DAVEH:  I hear seemingly contradictory statements and try to harmonize (as some TTers have used before) what I've heard to make sense.
 Do you also think the form number on the bottom of your mortgage is part of the "CONTRACT"
DAVEH:  Silly me.....somehow I thought when one signed one of those documents with all kinds of itty bitty disclaimers and numbers, including page means that each of those points is important to the integrity of the entire document.  What gave me that idea I suppose, is that one has to initial each and every page that contains one of those numbers.  IF you are correct---that those page numbers aren't important to the integrity of the legal document---then I have learned something about law.  IF you are wrong---that those page numbers aren't important to the integrity of the legal document---then I have learned something about you, Kevin.

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
jt: Headers, chapter and verse divisions and all that are not and never were
sacred text Daveh, so what's the problem?
DAVEH:   The problem is some people may think it is part of the inerrant text.  I did.  I wonder if many of the KJVOnly folks do too?  And, from what DavidM said......

There are some 1611 King James folks who think that is inerrant.  I
think Kevin is in this camp.

.......Perhaps Kevin believes such as well.  I'd sure appreciate Kevin commenting on this.  Which way do you believe, Kevin......Do you believe the headings are inerrant???

Dave Hansen
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