Kevin Deegan wrote:
No dave you are an unbeliever in God's word
You are not of God. You will not enter in because of UNBELIEF.
DAVEH:  Until I heard Steve Brown's broadcast, I believed Paul wrote Hebrews. 
Now some TTers are in agreement with SB and are suggesting the headers may
be errant. 
jt: Headers, chapter and verse divisions and all that are not and never were
sacred text Daveh, so what's the problem?
Daveh: I'm trying to figure out why so many TTers have been so opposed to
me suggesting there may have been errors introduced into the Bible, when
they agree that the headers were introduced in such a way. 
jt: Possibly because you eat up every word in the BofM and are totally
uncritical of anything in it or anything having to do with the person of Joseph
Smith who is very controversial and who never went to a sinner's cross for you.
Daveh: If the headers may be errant, then it logically follows that at some
point God stopped preventing errant material from being included in the Bible,
Kevin.  Where do you think that point of time is drawn?
jt: The Bible isn't a kindergarten book Daveh and it's a closed book to some
and open to others according to their heart attitude toward the author. When
ppl with no heart for truth begin trying to subject God's Word to their carnal
reasoning, then God Himself sends STRONG DELUSION that they might
believe the lie.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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