

Since I am the notorious one who brought up the subject of M. Scott Peck, I assume this quotation is for my benefit, and the benefit of others who might be dragged into hell if they read, appreciate, or agree with some of his ideas.  Seems to me that you are very bothered if other Christians benefit from reading the thoughts of non-Christians. Rather than get into a debate about whether or not Peck is really a Christian (which is irrelevant to me, as that is not pertinent to why I like reading him), I think this may be the core issue that we should discuss. So what are your thoughts on the subject of Christians reading ideas written by non-Christians?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:02 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a christian LOL


"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15).

The following is a interview with M Scott Peck:

"Door: It is interesting that you describe your writing as a calling. Is this a calling from God?

"Peck: I hesitate using the word `God' in that simplistic kind of way. My books are not `channeled' materials....

"Door: There are a number of writers and others who are convinced that you are part of the New Age Movement.

"Peck: Really? Well, we can come back to that subject if you'd like.... My spiritual director, who is a nun, says that God never calls you to do something that doesn't feel right in your heart. Jesus went to the cross, which wasn't something He felt like doing, but the cross felt much better than the only alternative which was to retire on His pension plan....

"Door: When we interviewed you last, you had become a Christian three years previously. Now that it has been 10 years, could you comment on how your own personal faith has changed over the decade?

"Peck: I don't like the term `became a Christian.' ...I hope to God that I'm going to continue to be converted until I die and perhaps well after that, which is what I think purgatory is all about....

"Door: Why do we have this feeling of impending doom?

"Peck: God knows when I'll ever write about this, so you might as well write about it.

"Door: Uh - thanks.

"Peck: I have had some dealings with evil spirits, but I have never given any thought to possibility of good spirits. One night while I was in the midst of my depression, my Dark Night of the Senses, I went to bed. I had not fallen asleep and this was not a dream. I was accosted by a spirit.

"Door: A spirit?

"Peck: ...Almost as instantly, I asked what kind of spirit this was and I immediately knew it was a good spirit rather than a bad spirit. But I also knew I could either confront this spirit or shake it off. I wondered what kind of good spirit it was. The answer came to me immediately. It was a spirit of mirth.

"Door: A spirit of mirth?

"Peck: That was when the battle began. Just because this seemed to be a spirit of mirth, how did I know for sure? If I let it in -

"Door: - You mean like a possession or something?

"Peck: Yes.... So I gave in to this spirit and I giggled myself to sleep.

"Door: Since we are talking about the bizarre, we hear a lot of people - who act like they know what they're talking about - claiming that you are `New Age.' What are your feelings about the New Age Movement?

"Peck: I am and I am not New Age. ...there are some things about the New Age Movement that are very godly, and some things that are potentially evil.

"Door: What is it that you like about the New Age Movement?

"Peck: I wouldn't use the word `like.' The New Age Movement is a reaction to the sins of the Christian Church, the sins of technology, and the excesses of science.

"Door: What sins?

"Peck: ...Computers.

"Door: Computers?

"Peck: ...These sins are very real. I think there is something potentially holy about the New Age movement because of their openness to new ideas.... The New Age Movement, in reaction to the sins of the Christian Church, moved to the East - to Oriental philosophy and theology - and attempted to throw all of Christian theology out,"

(Interview, May/June 1990, pp. 5-15).

ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bill, In later books Peck makes it clear that when he wrote The Road Less Traveled he was just about to come to know the Lord.  He wasnt quite there yet, but very close. (Amazing how much wisdom he wrote at that point, before knowing Christ personally). I was just wondering if Pecks unconscious is the same as your spiritual instinct.. Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wm. Taylor
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious


"Then he goes on to explain that this is what we term the presence of the Holy Spirit."


Izzy, I am not familiar enough with Peck to have much more than an elementary appreciation for what he is saying. If he goes on to nuance his words and attach them to a biblical-language type indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I would be able to say, Oh I get it. Right on. As they appear in this short quote, if I were being brutally honest and forthcoming, I would have to say that his words move me closer to a feeling of pantheism than I am happy going. Again, though, before I should want to conclude that this is indeed what he is doing or saying, I would want to know how he nuances this language with Scripture. Is that okay?




----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 6:53 AM

Subject: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious




The picture you drew about Gods beauty brought tears to my eyesso true! What do you think of M. Scott Pecks words in The Road Less Traveled?---


If you want to know the closest place to look for grace, it is within yourself. If you desire wisdom greater than your own, you can find it inside you. What this suggests is that the interface between God and man is at least in part the interface between our unconscious and our conscious. To put it plainly, our unconscious is God. God within us. We were part of God all the time. God has been with us all along is now, and always will be.   Then he goes on to explain that this is what we term the presence of the Holy Spirit.





Think with me for a moment about instinct, things that we know but cannot explain. How does a baby know to suck upon her mother's breast? How do we know to close our eyes when something is hurled at us? How do we know when we've seenthe beauty of a sunset or a rose or a bably calf running in the springtime with its head down and its tail straight up behind it, that God is wonderful, that God is beautiful, that God is good, that God is love? How do we know that a thought is placed in our mind by God and did not originate from within us? These instinctive-type disclosers are relational, I believe, because we are created in the image of a relational God, a Triune God who is One by way of relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


When I think about defining "relationship" with the Lord, I want to leave room in my explanation for these theological instincts, awarenesses of God in the presence of which I can only marvel. I also want tobe humble enough to remember that I know more than I can say. Relationship is fellowship with the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. It is participation in the Truth, the Creator of reality -- Existence himself.  




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