In a message dated 6/2/2004 11:34:28 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DAVEH:  Ignore for a moment your concern for a second chance after death.  (That is a different discussion, Laura.)  Do you believe those who do not have the chance to accept Jesus while in mortality, will have a chance to accept him after death?  To me, the Bible suggests that is the case.  Not only did some early Christians baptize for the dead (which implies they thought the previously dead folks would have a chance to accept Jesus in the post mortal realm), but I've previously mentioned 1Pet 3:18-19 and 1Pet 4:6 as evidence that Jesus preached the gospel to dead folks so that they could be judged as though in the flesh, in order that they can live according to God.  What passages do you feel suggest that those who did not have the opportunity to accept Jesus in mortality, would not have the chance after death?

i have to agree with Judy's post and Ro 1:17 that Perry posted.
DAVEH:  You may agree with vs 17, but I don't quite see why you would think it applies to this thread.
I don't think those who have not heard the gospel will have a second chance.
DAVEH:  ???   How can you perceive it as a second chance IF they never had a first chance prior???   Let me ask it this way, Laura......do you think God gives everybody a FIRST chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus?  IOW......do you think there are any mortals who never had the chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus?
  What would be the point in spending billions of dollars and sending people all over the world to tell others about Christ?  Why would Jesus have commanded us to "go into all the world..."
DAVEH:  Actually, he commanded his apostles to do such.  Christians commonly assume that applies to them as well.
   We could just sit back and enjoy our stained glass ornate buildings and spend our time anyway we want to.  Then when someone dies we could just go get baptized for them.  (I'm not suggesting that this is what LDS do)  I am just saying that we would be wasting our time making the effort to evangelize the world.
DAVEH:  You are making assumptions that are incorrect and illogical.  Doing the Lord's work is not a waste of time, regardless if he has somebody else to do it should we fail to do so.
Why do Mormon's send out missionaries?  Is it not to spread their version of the gospel?    Again,  this is not a put down.  It just doesn't make any sense to me.
DAVEH:  That you do not understand it, does not make it meaningless or impertinent.  The Lord's work needs servants.  If the gospel were not propagated by his servants, his work would not come to fruition nearly as quickly.

Dave Hansen
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