Whenever people, after quoting a text, tell you what a text 'means' they ought to include something akin to 'according to me mine and ours'. People 'dance' around this reality altogether too much. The words used to speak of reality are not the reality being spoken of.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: June 04, 2004 04:08
Subject: [TruthTalk] FIRST CHANCE

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
DAVEH wrote:  ???   How can you perceive it as a second chance IF they never had a first chance prior???   Let me ask it this way, Laura......do you think God gives everybody a FIRST chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus?  IOW......do you think there are any mortals who never had the chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus?

Yes, Virginia, there are mortals who never had the chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus.

You seem to be ignoring Romans 1:17ff.
DAVEH:  I haven't ignored it at all.  I just don't think it applies to those who've never heard the gospel or had the chance to accept Jesus.
You seem to be hung up on the fact that not all will hear the gospel, yet all will be judged. Romans 1:17ff gives a very good explanation of how and why that is so. "all are without excuse"
DAVEH:  ???   Did you misquote that, or am I missing something.  Or....perhaps you are paraphrasing what you think it says.  Where does it specifically say "all are without excuse"???
. All means ALL
DAVEH:  I responded to this in a parallel post.  But to recap.....you need to read it again.  ALL is not referring to people, but rather the actions of people.

    Let me quote vs 18.......

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.

.......Do you see where it is referring to their actions, Perry?  And who are these men?  Are they those who have never received the truth?  No.....the last part explains that they are those who have the truth and are still unrighteous.  That is distinctly different than those who have never received the truth.
. All who have heard the gospel,
DAVEH:  And.....that is what these passages are suggesting......those who have heard the gospel.
all who have not,
DAVEH:  What part of these verses make you think it is applicable to those who have not heard the gospel?
all who lived prior to Jesus, all who lived, are living, and will live live after. Hearing the gospel is not a requirement for judgement.
DAVEH:  If you are assuming such due to Rom 1:17ff.....I think you are seriously overly extrapolating the message.
Some will be judged in light of the gospel some will not, but ALL will be judged. ALL are without excuse.
DAVEH:  Is that from Perry 1:20???  Please quote the verse that says exactly that, Perry.

Dave, you can stop reading here...the rest is a diatribe about LDS heresies,
DAVEH:  For somebody who just misquoted.......

"all are without excuse"

..........the Bible, Perry......I would be careful about commenting about what you think are LDS heresies.
and you have heard it all from me before.

According to what Paul wrote, there is no need for a "second chance".
DAVEH:  I find it very interesting that you and many other TTers want to change the direction of the discussion by introducing the second chance comment.  Why do you do that when you know we are specifically talking about a first chance?  I will change the subject line to remind you and others who respond to this thread that the topic is FIRST CHANCE......not, second chances.
Everyone will be judged, gospel or not. This "second chance" idea is a false doctrine made up by JS
DAVEH:  ???  When did I or JS or LDS theology refer to second chances?  The only people I've heard mention it are other TTers who want to impose such erroneous theories on me or LDS teachings.
because he either did not understand Romans 1, or did not accept it as truth. ALL will be judged regardless of whether they have heard the gospel or not.
DAVEH:  Why do you not accept the possibility that all will be judged AFTER they hear the gospel?  Is it so unreasonable to think all men will have the chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus before the Judgment?  What is the problem with believing that the gospel was taught in the spirit world as 1Pet 3:18-19 and 4:6 suggest?   What is it in Protestant theology that makes such so implausible?
Hearing the gospel is NOT a prerequisite for judgement.
DAVEH:  For what reason then does the gospel need to be preached?
So, LDS baptising for the dead is not biblical and a waste of time.
DAVEH:  So says Perry.  Apparently Paul did not feel compelled to agree.
Once one dies, their eternal fate is sealed.
DAVEH:  Those folks Paul mentioned who were baptizing for the dead must not have thought so.
Die once, then the judgement...not die once, get dipped vicariously by someone you may or may not know who is still mortal, then get a second chance (or for some a first chance) to hear the gospel, then decide, then get assigned a "level" of afterlife...sorry...it's all hogwash (and ALL means ALL).
DAVEH:  You are entitled to your opinion, Perry.  However, I respectfully disagree with it.
Also, recall that the LDS god is not the God of the Bible. And the LDS jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.
DAVEH:  Yawwwwwwwwwwn.........
I have demonstrated this before on TT...maybe some of the newer subscribers have not figured this out yet. So, in general, to even try to compare LDS heresies with biblical truth is a waste of time.
DAVEH:  Who's comparing, Perry?  I've not mentioned it.  You are the one who seems to want to bring it up.
The LDS on this forum don't seem to learn as a result of these discussions...they only continue to argue from the standpoint of the LDS heresies.
DAVEH:  I certainly have my LDS biases, but have specifically asked you questions about Bible passages that you tend to ignore.  I'm interested in knowing why you read 1Pet 3:18-19 & 4:6 and don't understand them as I do.  If you don't like my LDS biased interpretation of the message of those passages, what do you think they mean?
Dave, thanks for hanging in there...I knew you'd read it anyway!
DAVEH:  Right.  I've read and responded to your questions, Perry.  Yet you seem to want to avoid the passages I mentioned above.  Any particular reason?


Dave Hansen
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