Charles Perry Locke wrote:
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

1)  Do you believe all men will have the opportunity to accept Jesus?


2)  Do you believe there are any mortals who do not get that chance while in mortality?


3)  Do you have any valid reason to think the Lord will not give those who in this life do not have the chance to hear the gospel and accept Jesus.....that he will give them the opportunity to hear the gospel (as is suggested in 1Pet 3:19) in the next life?

Yes. Reread Romans 1:17ff. ALL are without excuse.
DAVEH:  Thank you too, for specifically answering my questions, Perry.  FWIW.....I think it is interesting that your answers to my questions are exactly diametrically opposed by those offered by Lance.......

Lance Muir wrote:
1. yes 2. no  3. no

............Don't get me wrong, Perry.  I'm not trying to pit you two against each other.  I just find it curious that you both base your beliefs on the teachings of the Bible, and yet end up drawing such diverse opinions.  That makes me wonder which one of you reflects more accurately the bulk of traditional Christian thought on this.

    After reading vss 15ff......., I just don't see why you think these apply.  When vs 18 says all, it is referring to ungodliness and unrighteousness.  That is distinctly different from those who are ungodly or unrighteous.  As vs 16 infers, salvation is for those believers of the gospel of Christ.  Until the apostles were given the commission to take the gospel message to the world, there were a lot of folks who were not privy to the gospel.  Even after the apostles were instructed to spread the gospel, it could not have been spread to everybody.....even unto this day. 

    Read vs 21........

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful;.......

........does it not seem he is referring to people who had heard of God (or the gospel), but had turned from it?  I do not feel he is speaking of folks who had never had a chance to hear the gospel or accept Jesus.   What makes you think otherwise???
All will be judged.

DAVEH:  Agreed.  However, I would like to know if you think there will be some who will be judged without having the opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus......???

Repeatedly, yes. Some will be judged having never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
DAVEH:  IMO.....only in the hearts of folks who feel justice and mercy are not a part of God's nature.

Dave Hansen
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