On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 01:01:42 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 10/20/2004 5:08:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Quoting Jeff (I think) "It needs to line up with the Word of God (Captial W AND T (TORAH)= Jesus)"

John writes:
You equate Jesus with the Torah, insist that it -- the Torah --  is your God (alla your and Slades misapplication of the John 1:1) and spend much much more time talking and honoring the Law than you do Jesus Christ, the Person, at least on this forum.   Just amazing how out of step you are with the truth of the Word.  J
Before we point the finger at them John, shouldn't we examine ourselves?  All Jeff and Slade are doing is calling the Law of Moses Torah which is the Hebrew word for the exact same thing. This in no way changes the reality one iota which is that Jesus is the Word of God no matter who God speaks to and/or through Moses, the Prophets (Major and Minor), the Psalmists, the apostles.  What do you find so "out of step" about this?

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