Judy Taylor wrote:
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 21:48:27 -0400 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy Taylor wrote:
Did God know what he was doing when he gave Moses his laws, statutes, and commandments?.  I find it curious that so many believe because of certain Church doctrines that God gave Israel a standard they could never keep.  How crazy is that? 
That is not crazy at all.  No one has ever kept all the commandments, and God, being omniscient, knew beforehand that they couldn't.  Anyone who could keep the whole law would not need a Savior, and as you said, we all need a Savior. Terry
So you also believe God was setting his people up for failure Terry?  You believe that God didn't mean what he said when he told Israel to keep His laws and statutes and commandments because deep down he really knew that it was impossible and they couldn't do it?
Think about it?  What kind of misguided love judges and slays people for failing in something when they basically have no choice?  Even Dr. Laura knows better than that.
In the book of Acts Paul does not say they COULD not obey God, he says they WOULD not - big difference. (see Acts 7:39) because this takes the onus off God and puts it on them.  Until we take responsibility for our own choices, our own decisions, and our own actions, we will get nowhere with God.  Blaming him is our old flesh nature acting out.  It's what the first Adam did when he found himself confronted by God and busted.  A humble and repentant heart owns up ..... and agrees with God.
JUdy, since you cannot understand, you will just have to take my word for it.  Often, you are right.  This time, you are wrong. :-)


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