From: "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's now clear that you do not read my posts for all the answers are
there... in triplicate. I said [in the post you are referring] "You are
incapable of understanding me and I accept this fact and after this email, I
will waste your time no more."  -- slade
jt: Slade, do I detect an "attitude?" 
slade says: Sorry, Judy. I can't bless you with that one. I have a TON of school work to do and I seem to be able to communicate through that medium but not with you. You and Glenn Tabor are/were very hard nuts for me to crack (idiom only... not an insult). We are to give a good answer, but we also can't be having pearls trampled either. At some point, one must back off and wait for a more opportune time. I have all the time in the world (but... more later than now).
Actually I do read all of your posts more than one time. I even print them so that I can read without the glare of the computer screen. It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that I have been assuming some things that may not be true. Are you Jewish yourself Slade? Have you been born again, or born of the Spirit? 
From anyone else, I would take your last question as an insult (i.e., If he can't see things the  way I do, he can't have the Truth Spirit like I do). I will answer both of your questions in the affirmative.
I believe I've asked these questions before.  If you will give me a straight answer it should clear up some issues for me.  Slade why would you assume I am incapable of understanding what you write? 
Because I tell you things and you think I am saying something completely different. When you agree with me you agree until you discover you misunderstood me.
Is your Hebrew mindset so hard to relate to?  It can be. Some have difficulty with it and some do not. Is it ignorance?  I don't mean to be a smart alec, but what do you mean by this? Please define ignorance and where does the finger point? I think I've been insulted. Lack of education? Perhaps I am an idiot savant. or what you Jonathan and Lance perceive to be my Hellenistic/Greek mindset that's the problem? The dichotomy between western and eastern logic/thought/mindset has caused the death of millions. It's also a hard hurdle to jump.
None of these things were a hindrance to the people Paul and Barnabus ministered to in Antioch, Iconium, Lycaonia, and Lystra (except for the unbelieving Jews who wanted to stone them) and the same Holy Spirit anoints God's Word today, so if you are writing or speaking the oracles of God, there should be no problem. 
That's because Paul's main audience were Jewish people with the Eastern mindset. There were problems between the Hellenists and the Judeans BECAUSE of this lack of understanding. Hellenists looked down on the Easterners as uneducated, barbarians, backward thinkers, etc.
Judy is in GREEN
slade is in FUCHSIA
Here's the answer to one of your questions (Do you give the oral Torah tradition the same authority as scripture?) (this comes from a previous post):
  1. Never have you ever heard slade say that the Oral Torah came from the Mountain
  2. Never once did I say the Oral Torah carries the same weight as the Written Torah. No one... not even a SINGLE Rabbi that I know... believes this.
  3. I do not believe the Traditions of the Elders [Oral Torah] came from Sinai
As I said... in triplicate.

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