An interloper:Re:You are incapable of understanding me and I accept this fact'. On this matter I wholeheartedly concur with Slade. On other matters it is certainly not so. There is no call for this sort of response just because you're embarrassed.
There's never a moderator around when you need one!! Wait a sec, is that him over there on the floor. Judy! for shame! You hit him too hard.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 07, 2004 13:57
Subject: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

From: "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It's now clear that you do not read my posts for all the answers are
there... in triplicate. I said [in the post you are referring] "You are
incapable of understanding me and I accept this fact and after this email, I
will waste your time no more."  -- slade
jt: Slade, do I detect an "attitude?"  Actually I do read all of your posts more than
one time. I even print them so that I can read without the glare of the computer
screen. It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that I have been assuming
some things that may not be true.  Are you Jewish yourself Slade? Have you been
born again, or born of the Spirit? 
I believe I've asked these questions before.  If you will give me a straight answer
it should clear up some issues for me.  Slade why would you assume I am incapable
of understanding what you write?  Is your Hebrew mindset so hard to relate to? Is it
ignorance? Lack of education? or what you Jonathan and Lance perceive to be my
Hellenistic/Greek mindset that's the problem? 
None of these things were a hindrance to the people Paul and Barnabus ministered
to in Antioch, Iconium, Lycaonia, and Lystra (except for the unbelieving Jews who
wanted to stone them) and the same Holy Spirit anoints God's Word today, so if you
are writing or speaking the oracles of God, there should be no problem.
We're babysiting the grandson so I'm on our son's laptop and don't have the
original message with me.  However, I did want to respond to your email this
morning. Actually I'm surprised that you rejected what I had sent earlier
and am not sure why exactly. Do you give the oral Torah tradition the same
authority as scripture?
As for the Greek/Hebrew mindset thing. To me this is nothing more than a
smokescreen.  We are all to do away with the vain tradition of the fathers
in which were raised so that we can put on the mind of Christ which does not
come with studying Hebrew or Greek and we become transformed by the renewing
of our mind.
Do you or don't you believe the Law of Moses was lost before he reign of
King Josiah? Apparently he thought so and if the King and Priests didn't
have it together how are the people to learn, what hope is there for them?
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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