Terry wrote:
God is God.  He can make exceptions to His
rules any time He wants to,

David Miller wrote:
If we come to an understanding that God has bent the
rules for someone, that is a warning flag to me that there
are some false assumptions being held.

Terry wrote:
Your warning flag may be malfunctioning.

LOL. Maybe, or maybe not.

Let me give you a hypothetical. Suppose you lived in a Middle East country and were caught lying. The Judge ordered your tongue to be cut out. After all this, you observe another man who told the same lie that you did being brought up on the same charges, but this man was a close friend of the Judge and so the Judge in his case "made an exception" and bent the rules. He not only did not cut off the tongue of the liar, but he told the one who was hurt by his lie that he had better ask the liar for forgiveness and that unless this lying defendant in the case petitioned him to do otherwise, he was going to execute the one who brought the accusation of lying. Then when you asked why the exception was made and the man did not receive the same judgment that you did, the Judge told you that he was the Judge and he could make exceptions and bend the rules anytime he wanted to. Would you consider that Judge to be a righteous and dependable Judge? Would you have confidence that he could adjudicate the law without partiality?

The above hypothetical and associated questions will help me understand your perspective on this, but in addition, I would like to know if you know of any Scriptural passage that clearly shows God making exceptions and bending the rules.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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