Jonathan writes:

The Trinity is the relationship as one of the Father, Son and Spirit eternally.  It is who God is. 


jt: God calls Himself by many titles in scripture, Elohim is only one of them.


To deny the eternal sonship of the Son is to deny the Trinity existing eternally.  It means there is no Father, and no Son prior to the incarnation with no Spirit mediating between them both. 


jt: It doesn't mean that at all Jonathan and where would one get the idea that the Holy Spirit mediates between Father and Son?  Mediation is only necessary where there is a breach. The Godhead is One. Remember Tertullian didn't come up with this trinity idea until the 3rd century and the "eternal Sonship" thing began with Athanasius at Nicaea in the 4th Century so I guess the apostles were without this Trinity, Father, Son .. revelation though they turned the whole world upside down by their teaching. From what I can gather by the time these theologians took the reins things had degenerated so far into politics and infighting that I personally would not receive their words on the same level as scripture and when there is a conflict [which there is constinually I choose to stick with God's Word rather than the words of men] .


To speak of it in a different fashion than Father, Son and Spirit is to speak of a different Trinity, one not associated with historic, orthodox Christianity. 


jt: When Historic, orthodox Christianity changes or contradicts the clear teaching of God's Word it becomes sinking sand. The Godhead described in scripture is not always Father, Son, and Spirit. Sometimes it is Father, Logos, and Spirit or Father, Word, and Spirit.


What would be opinion would be any viewpoint that disagrees with the historic orthodox view of the Trinity.  If you believe in the Trinity, and you have given no evidence that you do, then you would affirm the eternal sonship of Christ.  Jonathan


jt: My faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ Jonathan and the words I follow are His. His sheep hear His Voice and another voice they do not follow. I don't hear his voice through Tertullian or through Athanasius.  They were from another generation entirely and they will stand or fall before the Lord.


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