Bill Taylor wrote:
Bill, there is no question that we can apply the word perverts to homos. They practice sexual perversion.  It takes a humble man to agree with God, even when that doesn't sound politically correct or "nice".  Iz

Where is this "humble man" who agrees with God? In John's address he said that he was also speaking of people who have those tendencies but are not acting on them. That is not perversion, Izzy -- it may even be righteousness: "And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God" (1Cor 6.11).
jt: People who have been made free in Christ no longer have "those tendencies"  Jesus not only paid the price for our sin, he also gives us freedom from the power of it in our lives when we come to Him with our whole heart.
To lump people like this in with the "perverts," and call them all a "filty (sic) disgusting bunch," speaks far more truth into the perversion of your own nature than it does theirs. Humility hardly covers it.  Bill
jt: Nothing wrong with calling something what it is and hating the sin but being willing to love the sinner and help them to separate themselves from it.  I appreciate Terry's blunt way of putting things because it shakes one out of lethargy and makes us take a hard look. There is so much perversion all around us these days that we are in danger of becoming comfortable with it.  It comes right into our living rooms on the TV and doesn't always look like what Terry described in the prisons although it's all the same under the surface. Satan comes as an angel of light and he can make bitter look sweet and darkness appear to be light. Has anyone seen that  transexual golfer?  Many believe the antichrist will be homosexual also because of the passage in Daniel that says "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all" - This type of arrogance is evident in the homosexual community.  judyt

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