I agree, Lance, that the Lord can and does use His
word in all its translations, including the NIV with
its errors and sodomite commitee members. I have found
that the newest generation overwhelmingly favors the
NIV translation, and when we are out preaching, many
college students by my side use the translation. These
friends of mine have led people to Christ with the NIV
Bible open in their lap. So, yes, God can and does use
the errant translations.

But just because the Holy Spirit is able to use any
translation does not mean that any and every
translation retains merit. God can use evil for good,
as Joseph points out in Genesis 50. 

Whether or not God can use a translation doesn't clear
up a translation's flaws.


(Man. Leave your e-mail unchecked for a weekend and
the next thing you know, you've got unread e-mails up
to your eye balls. :-) ) 

--- Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is wise for one to remember that the Word of God
> is Jesus Christ. It is also wise to remember that
> His (God's) Words do not return void. Take care,
> Kevin, not confuse your role with that of the Spirit
> of God. I've found God to be at work EVEN THROUGH
> THE KJV! Just imagine!
> Speaking of 'imagine': Imagine yourself able to see
> every believer at once on the entire globe. Imagine
> them to be lit up like a little light. Then, imagine
> yourself able to see the Bible (or portion thereof)
> they had with them. How many of them do you believe
> are carrying the KJV? Now, don't make a smart
> remark, please. Tell me what you make of that
> observation.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Kevin Deegan 
>   To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
>   Sent: June 02, 2005 16:48
>   Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
>   the work of Catholic scholars 
>   It is amazing how some can stand the facts on
> their head.
>   The UBS text used for the Moderne Bibles:
>   Jesuit cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (1927- ) is
> the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Milan. Since 1967,
> has been one of the editors of the United Bible
> Societies Greek New Testament. His diocese in Europe
> is the largest in the world, with two thousand
> priests and five million "laity." He is Professor of
> New Testament Textual Criticism at the Pontifical
> Biblical Institute in Rome. He is also President of
> the Council of European Bishop's Conferences. A Time
> magazine, article reported that Martini brought
> together a syncretistic convocation of over 100
> religious leaders from around the world to promote a
> new age, one-world religion. In addressing this
> meeting, Mikhail Gorbachev said, "We need to
> synthesize a new religion for thinking men that will
> universalize that religion for the world and lead us
> into a new age."
>   Bruce Metzger modernist and approved ROMANIST New
> Oxford Annotated Bible RSV 1973 The first edition
> 1962 was the first Protestant annotated edition of
> the Bible to be approved by a Roman authority. It
> was given an imprimatur in 1966 by Cardinal Cushing,
> Archbishop of Boston, Massachusetts
>   HERETICS  Eugene Nida is the father of the
> blasphemous dynamic equivalency theory of Bible
> translation. Nida was the Executive Secretary of the
> Translations Department of the United Bible
> Societies from 1943 to 1980. As to his view of
> biblical inspiration, Nida says, "... God's
> revelation involved limitations. ... Biblical
> revelation is not absolute and all divine revelation
> is essentially incarnational. ... Even if a truth is
> given only in words, it has no real validity until
> it has been translated into life. ... The words are
> in a sense nothing in and of themselves. ... the
> word is void unless related to experience" (Nida,
> Message and Mission, p. 222-228).
>   Kurt Aland "This idea of verbal inspiration (i.e.,
> of the literal and inerrant inspiration of the
> text), which the orthodoxy of both Protestant
> traditions maintained so vigorously, was applied to
> the Textus Receptus with all of its errors,
> including textual modifications of an obviously
> secondary character (as we recognize them today)"
> (Aland, The Problem of the New Testament Canon,
> 1962, pp. 6,7). 
>   BEWARE of these new versions!
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     Normally when a host of scholars and translation
> committees using the most recent manuscript
> discoveries all agree against a publication that is
> nearly 300 aol years old and the work of Catholic
> scholars (save the one lone Evangleical, King
> James), common wisdom would allow for the "new"
> translation.   To use the KJV to condemn all the
> others is to pretend that there is something special
> about the KJV bordiering on the inspired.   Silly..
>     JD  
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
>     Sent: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 05:53:27 -0700 (PDT)
>     Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible
> Quiz
>     A little poison along the way is NO PROBLEM! 
>     For those that have no discernment - ENJOY
>     "Every word of God is pure" Prov. 30:5. 
>     The PURE Word of God????
>     (TLB) 1 Samuel 20:30: "You son of a bitch."
>     NLT "stupid son of a whore." 
>     NJB and MSG "son of a rebellious slut"
>     See if you can pick out the RIGHT ONE:
>     RV: "Elhanan...slew Goliath the Gittite." 
>     ASV: "Elhanan...slew Goliath the Gittite." 
>     RSV: "Elhanan...slew Goliath the Gittite." 
>     NWT: "Elhanan...got to strike down Goliath." 
>     NASV: "Elhanan...killed Goliath of Gath." 
>     NEB: "Elhanan...killed Goliath of Gath." 
>     LB: "Elhanan...killed the brother of Goliath." 
>     GNB: "Elhanan...killed Goliath from Gath." 
>     NIV: "Elhanan...killed Goliath the Gittite." 
>     KJV: "Elhanan...slew the brother of Goliath." 
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       Well, He most certainly can.   The message of
> grace is still there  (that is where God does the
> work and you receive the blessings).   The
> reconciliation of all things is still there  (that's
> where God does all the work and you receive the
> blessings).  Christ still died for all, even if it
> was on a stick  (that is where forgiveness is
> decleared and not earned  ----  God does the work
> and we receive the blessings)..  
>       Whats the problem??
>       JD 
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
>       Sent: Tue, 31 May 2005 17:26:51 -0700 (PDT)
>       Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible
> Quiz
>       How many others think God uses the Jehovah
> Witness NWT?
>       Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>         Affirmative (I'd designate the appropriate
> rant but, do not know it) Including the NWT. Yes,
> indeedee doo
>           ----- Original Message ----- 
>           From: Kevin Deegan 
>           To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
>           Sent: May 31, 2005 10:18
>           Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible
> Quiz
>           Kenneth Taylor's Living Bible (TLB) 1
> Samuel 20:30: "You son of a bitch."
>           NLT "stupid son of a whore." 
>           NJB and MSG "son of a rebellious slut"
>           Another beauty:
>           TLB 1 KINGS 18:27 "Perhaps he is talking
> to someone or else is out sitting on the toilet."
>           Then of course their is the New World
> translation that is powerfully used (Worked Thru) of
> God, right Lance?
>           Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>             IFF God 'works through' the disparate
> characters on TT (IMO He Does), then
>             He most assuredly 'works through' every
> translation of His Bible (I truly do
>             mean every translation). It's a matter
> of those criteria that need be
>             present enabling one to be superior to
> another.
>             Do you, David, see this as analogous to
> God 'working through' your preaching
>             and the bishop's?
>             ----- Original Message ----- 
>             From: "David Miller" 
>             To: "TruthTalk" 
>             Sent: May 30, 2005 15:32
>             Subject: [Bulk] [TruthTalk] NIV Bible
> Quiz
>             > I received this in my inbox and
> thought some might like to take this test.
=== message truncated ===

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