On 9/20/07, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/20/07, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Everything looks good but it seems that a few copyright notices are
> > missing in the NOTICE file. Is it generated by Maven? I could spot at least
> > XmlBeans, Xalan, Xerces and Derby.
> Replying to myself :) Actually I don't see a reason this should delay the
> release at hand as it looks pretty good. You should just make sure that this
> issue is properly addressed before the next release but I don't think this
> is a real problem for now.
> So here is my +1.

Thanks Matthieu, I think thats best as this requirement has only very
recently come up on incubator general, i think we're actually looking pretty
good regarding copyrights and we've all the incubating disclaimers
everywhere so i think its fine getting this release out now, but i'll
definitely look into it further for the next release. Anyway, thanks for the
+1 :)


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