On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:39 PM, PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Joe Hass <hassgoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I disagree. What this starts to do is match the conversations and
>> discussions with the show, which provides a better identification for
>> advertisers who are looking for what's being sold. We've all agreed
>> that Nielsen is barely functional as it stands. This is as good a shot
>> as any to move to the next step.
> The idea is a good one (moving beyond the Nielsen sample), but I am
> skeptical of the execution. They appear to be weighting pretty highly how
> often a show is mentioned on "social networking" sites, in the absence of
> any hard data as to how this actually translates into viewership of the
> show. It would not be surprising of shows like Glee generate more mentions
> on twitter and FB than a show like CSI or Criminal Minds, but I am not sure
> the extra mentions really translate into extra viewing. And I am pretty sure
> the extra mentions rarely include references to whatever product was
> advertised or even placed in the show. And making bets on how successful
> future, as yet un-aired shows will do based on how often they are mentioned
> on FB is absurd.
> OTOH, I was impressed with the effort to quantify how a product's placement
> or advertisement on a show actually impacts how it sells. If I were an
> advertiser it seems like this is the specific information I most want to
> know. I don't give a damn if 15 million people watch American Idol and only
> 4 million watch The Killing - if a 30 second ad on The Killing sells as many
> units of my product as the same on AI, and it costs me a lot less, then that
> is the ad I want to buy (or, if I don't it is because I care less about
> selling that particular item and more about building product recognition or
> something like that).

I'll second what Joe said. This is about cracking open the model and
letting the light in. If the execution turns out to be faulty, then
fix the execution, just don't drop the project and go back to legacy

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