I'm torn on the issue.  On one hand I completely agree with Wol
(though I need to look up the word "ephemeral" just to be sure).
Saved lists should be created each time they're needed - MOST of the
time.  There are other perfectly valid reasons why one program might
create a list for another program to consume at some later moment.
It's all a matter of how the app is designed to use the lists.

On the other hand, I have to give some creedence to the caution of the
VP.  You certainly don't want to be removing items from the saved
lists file while folks might be using them.  Especially with Unidata,
where the list is fragged into a whole bunch of smaller records, you
could really damage the list if you happened to remove part of a list
while the rest of the list were being created.

A two-phase strategy might be the best course of action.  Backup the
items to some temporary place and then a week later roll those out
when you backup the current crop of files.  Over time when nobody
needs those items you'll be able to skip that step, but until then,
caution should be the order of the day to keep everyone comfortable.

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