
You're correct that U2 users need to be vocal about what they want, but
Rocket has to be proactive, too.  Surely they have a few analysts on staff
that can read Techmeme or attend a few conferences and see for themselves
where developers are headed.  It's probably not wise to only listen to *current
*U2 users anyway.

I started to make a list in my head of what I'd ask Rocket for, but then I
stopped because everything I'd ask for I can get* *elsewhere...for
free...right now.

If I were starting a brand new project today, I'd be hard pressed to find a
single reason to pick a U2 database over a free, open-source alternative
like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or MySQL which have drivers for almost every
language, heaps of documentation and troubleshooting resources online, fast
release cycles, and great (free) developer tools.

Can anyone else think of one?


The biggest thing for me is accessibility from other languages, because the

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:02 PM, David Jordan <da...@dacono.com.au> wrote:

> Rob your comments are not wrong.  However U2 management want to go where
> they think the market is.  As users we don't tell them anything and then
> complain that they are not mind readers and are not heading in the direction
> we want to go.   As a user group, we give users a voice to be able to set
> direction.  Of course there are a million one views about the future, but we
> can build a business case based on the wishes of the majority.   I have sat
> down with Rocket and explained how Microsoft Azure could provide a market
> opportunity and how U2 could work in this environment and I am working with
> them to look at its feasibility.  Others are looking at REST and a range of
> other APIs.  Rocket is not so much ignoring us rather we as users are not
> talking to Rocket constructively.
> What is important is to turn this discussion into something constructive.
>  If Rocket asked you what you want, what would you say.
> David Jordan
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