On 13/07/11 16:15, McGowan, Ian wrote:
> I respectfully disagree - through the years the few times I've been royally 
> screwed, it's always by a closed-source vendor.  I have never made a major 
> commitment to an open-source tool and been burned.  Debian, Eclipse, Tomcat, 
> Apache and Postgres have been good to me for a long time.  Not saying that 
> open-source lasts forever, but when something does get orphaned, I have more 
> options.

Add to which, if you're in that boat, so are a lot of other people. If
you rely on a piece of Open Source, you need to make sure you've got one
or two members of your staff well known to the project (even if they
don't do much). Then when you need something done, they can do it.

You only need a couple of users who aren't free-loading, and the project
is unlikely to die ...

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