
Has anybody ever tested how Universe behaves if the server is hibernated 
to disk ?  Does it work and resume locally logged on sessions properly 
when the server is brought back up again?
Obviously all network sessions will be aborted, but I'm not concerned 
about that.

For background:
We're running Universe 10.2.10 on Windows 2003 Enterprise X64 Server.
Every night we have backups,  a lot of batch update jobs and reporting 
that runs on the UV server.  During this time period, there are no users 
connected to the system; only administrators can connect.
Last week one night we had a power failure that outlasted the 4 hours 
run-time we have on our UPS, resulting in the server going down without a 
proper shutdown; fortunately not while in the middle of doing updates.

I am concerned that something similar might happen while the system is 
processing; during the day it is OK as there are IT staff on-site that can 
make sure that user sessions are terminated as normally as possible and 
the server brought down gracefully during long-running outages.

Why I'm asking about the hibernation: If there are local UV processes 
running, and the server is suspended to disk, will such processes carry on 
from where they left off when the server is brought up again ? - this 
could save us a lot of recovery time in such cases - rare as they are. 
Currently we have to look at at what point of the nightly jobs the server 
went down; if it was during backups no processing would be done; if it was 
during processing, we have to restore the backup to get the server back to 
a "known" state and so on.

Kind regards

Arnold Bosch
IT Administrator
Taeuber & Corssen SWA (Pty) Ltd

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