For reference, it's a widespread myth that you need IIS to do web
services or other website integration with Windows.  That's
simply not so.  IIS is an application that provides many services
including authentication, memory management, process allocation,
routing, logging, and many others.  If "all I want is a pipe into
my daatabase" then you can easily run a Windows Service that's
listening to a socket which will do whatever you want.  You just
won't get all of those other services.

Now, in response to not needing Windows Server, I try to avoid
discussions on religion.  ;)  Seriously, if you like like the
ASP.NET model, just not Windows or Microsoft, look into Mono
(FOSS) where you can run your code in Windows or Linux, just like
Java.  Or (slightly more practical) run a Windows 7 or XP guest
in a virtual machine over Linux.  It's just another application,
about 400MB of overhead, and shouldn't require much maintenance
unless you're doing other things with it.  Of course these aren't
solutions for the masses but for some sites these solutions could
be ideal in comparison with others.  YMMV


> From: John Thompson
> I do remember playing with this a few years ago, but, 
> at the time I wasn't "smart" enough to make it work. I 
> did like the fact that it did not need IIS, or Windows 
> Server to work :)
> Rex Gozar wrote:
> > My u2pipe has been available on PickWiki since 2006.  
> > If can be used with PHP, ColdFusion, ASP.NET, raw 
> > sockets, etc.
> >

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