The problem I see is that telling people that they could make free beer, is 
quite different in practice from making free beer.

I know that Tony feels like people should just get smarter, but I'm not the 
only one who has pointed out that there simply are no good install manuals for 
any of the various free options.  Yes there are installation instructions, but 
they quickly spiral off into the level of geek speak that you have to already 
know, in order to understand.  At which point most people give up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Symeon Breen <>
To: 'U2 Users List' <>
Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 11:52 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Unidata 7.1 Unresponsive UO Connection

The benefit of using any http server , iis, cassini, apache etc, is its
hole multiplexing functionality, which to do well is not trivial. Iis is
lso very integrated into the OS, the whole http layer is in fact inside the
s, as opposed to being an application on top of the os. So it makes sense
n many ways.
And if you want to use .net (of which I am a big fan) and you don't have to
se linux then why use mono ? Contrary to what many people believe Visual
tudio, .net, MS Sql are all free (as in beer) for development/small and
edium scale  deployment.

----Original Message-----
rom:] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
ent: 02 December 2011 18:24
ubject: Re: [U2] Unidata 7.1 Unresponsive UO Connection
For reference, it's a widespread myth that you need IIS to do web services
r other website integration with Windows.  That's simply not so.  IIS is an
pplication that provides many services including authentication, memory
anagement, process allocation, routing, logging, and many others.  If "all
 want is a pipe into my daatabase" then you can easily run a Windows
ervice that's listening to a socket which will do whatever you want.  You
ust won't get all of those other services.
Now, in response to not needing Windows Server, I try to avoid discussions
n religion.  ;)  Seriously, if you like like the ASP.NET model, just not
indows or Microsoft, look into Mono
FOSS) where you can run your code in Windows or Linux, just like Java.  Or
slightly more practical) run a Windows 7 or XP guest in a virtual machine
ver Linux.  It's just another application, about 400MB of overhead, and
houldn't require much maintenance unless you're doing other things with it.
f course these aren't solutions for the masses but for some sites these
olutions could be ideal in comparison with others.  YMMV

 From: John Thompson
 I do remember playing with this a few years ago, but, at the time I 
 wasn't "smart" enough to make it work. I did like the fact that it did 
 not need IIS, or Windows Server to work :)
 Rex Gozar wrote:
 > My u2pipe has been available on PickWiki since 2006.  
 > If can be used with PHP, ColdFusion, ASP.NET, raw sockets, etc.
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