Rex does have some documentation on u2pipe, but, I have not looked at it in
a while.

I could write up the php/apache stuff pretty easy and make it nooby proof,
BUT, I haven't done that because it was not my idea, and I don't want to
"illegally" step on Kevin.

However, I did write up complete instructions on how to install Apache on
AIX 5.3 if anyone needs that.
I have to write things down because my limited brain power often forgets.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Wjhonson <> wrote:

> The problem I see is that telling people that they could make free beer,
> is quite different in practice from making free beer.
> I know that Tony feels like people should just get smarter, but I'm not
> the only one who has pointed out that there simply are no good install
> manuals for any of the various free options.  Yes there are installation
> instructions, but they quickly spiral off into the level of geek speak that
> you have to already know, in order to understand.  At which point most
> people give up.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Symeon Breen <>
> To: 'U2 Users List' <>
> Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 11:52 am
> Subject: Re: [U2] Unidata 7.1 Unresponsive UO Connection
> The benefit of using any http server , iis, cassini, apache etc, is its
> hole multiplexing functionality, which to do well is not trivial. Iis is
> lso very integrated into the OS, the whole http layer is in fact inside the
> s, as opposed to being an application on top of the os. So it makes sense
> n many ways.
> And if you want to use .net (of which I am a big fan) and you don't have to
> se linux then why use mono ? Contrary to what many people believe Visual
> tudio, .net, MS Sql are all free (as in beer) for development/small and
> edium scale  deployment.
> ----Original Message-----
> rom:
>] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
> ent: 02 December 2011 18:24
> o:
> ubject: Re: [U2] Unidata 7.1 Unresponsive UO Connection
> For reference, it's a widespread myth that you need IIS to do web services
> r other website integration with Windows.  That's simply not so.  IIS is an
> pplication that provides many services including authentication, memory
> anagement, process allocation, routing, logging, and many others.  If "all
>  want is a pipe into my daatabase" then you can easily run a Windows
> ervice that's listening to a socket which will do whatever you want.  You
> ust won't get all of those other services.
> Now, in response to not needing Windows Server, I try to avoid discussions
> n religion.  ;)  Seriously, if you like like the ASP.NET model, just not
> indows or Microsoft, look into Mono
> FOSS) where you can run your code in Windows or Linux, just like Java.  Or
> slightly more practical) run a Windows 7 or XP guest in a virtual machine
> ver Linux.  It's just another application, about 400MB of overhead, and
> houldn't require much maintenance unless you're doing other things with it.
> f course these aren't solutions for the masses but for some sites these
> olutions could be ideal in comparison with others.  YMMV
> T
>  From: John Thompson
>  I do remember playing with this a few years ago, but, at the time I
>  wasn't "smart" enough to make it work. I did like the fact that it did
>  not need IIS, or Windows Server to work :)
>  Rex Gozar wrote:
>  > My u2pipe has been available on PickWiki since 2006.
>  > If can be used with PHP, ColdFusion, ASP.NET, raw sockets, etc.
>  >
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