Hi, Peter!

Your advice regarding making the usb live cd image is spot-on; I now have a drive with the live cdimage as one part, and the rest as a persistent store.

In an estimated 3/5 start attempts, after choosing 'try ubuntu', Ubiquity crashes, leaving me a running Orca, but no ui of any kind. I cannot even use 'alt-ctrl-f1' through 'alt-ctrl-f11' to get to other virtual consoles, from which to restart lightdm. On those occasions where I can start the session with the 'try' button, I can log out, then back in, getting a working ubuntu-2d session. Maybe the switching to the 'try ubuntu' live session will be fixed in the 4-April daily live build? Such sessions work as they should, for several (never more than 15 or so) minutes, then deteriorate until they're non-functional. In the most recent session, the first sign of trouble was that the speaking of menus became irratic, until it just stopped. At this point, the speaking of focused app on a press and hole of 'alt-tab' stopped, as if I'd somehow switched to 3d session. I opened a Nautilus window at this point; the delay between my key presses and Orca speaking made it useless.



On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Peter Vágner wrote:

I don't know for sure what will happen if you'll point installer to an existing not empty partition and instruct it not to format the partition. I think I've tried doing that and then I've got a warning about some of my files being deleted so I've chosen another empty partition instead.

Perhaps you might first try making your live usb persistent so you can test it better and then finally if you are happy with it you can just backup your files as you have already done and install to an empty partition. To make your usb live persistent boot from that live usb or any distro you have installed on the machine, use gparted, diskutility or whatever you like to create an ext3 partition on a remainning unallocated space of the usb device. Give this new partition name 'casper-rw' without the quotes. Make sure it's all lower case. After doing this your usb live should turn into persistent on the next boot.



On 3.4.2012 5:43, Dave Hunt  wrote:

I'll look at the partition scheme and keep the mount points, if the disk
is set up correctly.  What would happen if it's one big partition, and I
tell the installer not to format?  Will it over-write or just refuse to
do anything?



On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Peter Vágner wrote:

I recommend you to play with live cd a bit whether the crashes are
reproducible and try reporting if thats indeed possible in such a
broken state you are getting.
I know you can choose where to install grub during the install as well
as choosing existing partitions with their mount points however i dont
know if it can pick your files from other distros.



Dňa 2.4.2012, o 23:15, Dave Hunt <ka1...@gmail.com> napísal:


I think the system was booting when I used the unetbootin method, but
the thing was acting as if I'd done an install from the cd to a flash
drive, and by-passed the special session from which I could install.
It brought me into a session with Unity 3d, and I could, sometimes,
start orca.

Per your suggestion, I jusd did a 'dd' to put the image onto my flash
drive.  The resulting system has no persistent space but boots.  I
get the drums sound, I hit 'ctrl+s', get orca, and hit 'try Ubuntu.
I start orca in this session.  I log out, then hit 'ctrl+s'.  I can
go to this session selector and get into Unity 2d this way.  This
Unity 2d session ran for about 5 minutes, then the Unity Service
Panel applet crashed, taking all the menus with it, and leaving me
with a system where I couldn't even switch apps with 'alt+tab'.
Assuming I ever get a sysgem that has reliable accessibility, and no
components crash, can I install this to my hard drive, leaving my
user data in place?  If, for instance, I choose the 'advanced' option
in the installer, can I just tell the insaller to not format the
partitions?  If I choose the same username I use with Trisquel 5.5,
will my stuff be there when I login?  I've already backed up the
files of interest to another machine on my home network.



On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Peter Vágner wrote:

If you are afraid the image is not properly placed on to an USB
drive you might try just dd the iso file on to the proper device
while it's unmounted. I did it using this method and it worked.
If you think the system is actually booting maybe the sound is muted
on startup.
You can try switching it on using the multimedia keys if your pc has
some or you can blindly try to start a terminal and use alsa-mixer.
I have used command
Alsa-mixer -c 0 set Master 100% unmute

Finally if you can conect the pc to the network using ethernet cable
and have another spare computer you migh try  installing an running
To try starting the terminal when the live 2012.04 is booted you can-
- press ctrl+s to start orca
- assuming orca has started eventhough you cant hear the voice you
should land in the orca window.
- you can alt+tab once to focuss the installer window
- in the installer window press tab key once to focuss try ubuntu
button and space to activate it
- finally wait for the desktop to reload and then press ctrl+alt+t
to launch terminal.

I know my advices are verry general. This is what i was trying to do
in the past.



Dňa 2.4.2012, o 17:36, Dave Hunt <ka1...@gmail.com> napísal:

Yah, I know, I said I'm giving up, but have trouble doing that.  LOL.

When I put 12.04 onto a flash drive, I used the unetbootin program,
and gave the system as much persistent space as the drive's
capacity will allow.  When I start the resulting system, I never
get the chance to choose an accessible session (no drums or music
ever sound).  Should I do something differently when making the usb
system?    I start with the Precise desktop, found in the dailylive
directory.  Below is how I invoke unetbootin to make this system
(ignore line breaks).

Any thoughts?


sudo unetbootin method=diskimage
installtype=USB targetdrive=/dev/sdb persistentspace=9999

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