On 02/04/12 16:15, Dave Hunt wrote:
> Assuming I ever get a sysgem
> that has reliable accessibility, and no components crash, can I install
> this to my hard drive, leaving my user data in place?  If, for instance,
> I choose the 'advanced' option in the installer, can I just tell the
> insaller to not format the partitions?  If I choose the same username I
> use with Trisquel 5.5, will my stuff be there when I login?  I've
> already backed up the files of interest to another machine on my home
> network.

Right, if /home is on it's own partition, and you don't format it, then
it'll be there after the install. One thing to watch out for though, is
that if it's a major upgrade, and you use the same user ID, then some
things may not work because of the changes in software between the two
versions. For example, when I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu
11.04, I couldn't get Orca to talk to me after I logged in. I ended up
reinstalling Ubuntu 11.04 and just choosing a different user ID.
Everything was still saved, and I could just copy data, settings and the
like from my old user's home folder into my new users home folder.

Sounds like you're going from Trisquel to Ubuntu 12.04, so I wouldn't be
optimistic that you could just use your current home directory and have
everything work.

> On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Peter Vágner wrote:
>> Hello,
>> If you are afraid the image is not properly placed on to an USB drive
>> you might try just dd the iso file on to the proper device while it's
>> unmounted. I did it using this method and it worked.
>> If you think the system is actually booting maybe the sound is muted
>> on startup.
>> You can try switching it on using the multimedia keys if your pc has
>> some or you can blindly try to start a terminal and use alsa-mixer.
>> I have used command
>> Alsa-mixer -c 0 set Master 100% unmute
>> Finally if you can conect the pc to the network using ethernet cable
>> and have another spare computer you migh try  installing an running ssh.
>> To try starting the terminal when the live 2012.04 is booted you can-
>> - press ctrl+s to start orca
>> - assuming orca has started eventhough you cant hear the voice you
>> should land in the orca window.
>> - you can alt+tab once to focuss the installer window
>> - in the installer window press tab key once to focuss try ubuntu
>> button and space to activate it
>> - finally wait for the desktop to reload and then press ctrl+alt+t to
>> launch terminal.
>> I know my advices are verry general. This is what i was trying to do
>> in the past.
>> Greetintz
>> Peter
>> Dňa 2.4.2012, o 17:36, Dave Hunt <ka1...@gmail.com> napísal:
>>> Yah, I know, I said I'm giving up, but have trouble doing that.  LOL.
>>> When I put 12.04 onto a flash drive, I used the unetbootin program,
>>> and gave the system as much persistent space as the drive's capacity
>>> will allow.  When I start the resulting system, I never get the
>>> chance to choose an accessible session (no drums or music ever
>>> sound).  Should I do something differently when making the usb
>>> system?    I start with the Precise desktop, found in the dailylive
>>> directory.  Below is how I invoke unetbootin to make this system
>>> (ignore line breaks).
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Dave
>>> sudo unetbootin method=diskimage
>>> isofile=/home/dave/Downloads/precise-desktop-i386.iso installtype=USB
>>> targetdrive=/dev/sdb persistentspace=9999 autoinstall=yes

Christopher (CJ)

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