If you are afraid the image is not properly placed on to an USB drive you might 
try just dd the iso file on to the proper device while it's unmounted. I did it 
using this method and it worked.
If you think the system is actually booting maybe the sound is muted on startup.
You can try switching it on using the multimedia keys if your pc has some or 
you can blindly try to start a terminal and use alsa-mixer.
I have used command
Alsa-mixer -c 0 set Master 100% unmute

Finally if you can conect the pc to the network using ethernet cable and have 
another spare computer you migh try  installing an running ssh.
To try starting the terminal when the live 2012.04 is booted you can-
- press ctrl+s to start orca
- assuming orca has started eventhough you cant hear the voice you should land 
in the orca window.
- you can alt+tab once to focuss the installer window
- in the installer window press tab key once to focuss try ubuntu button and 
space to activate it
- finally wait for the desktop to reload and then press ctrl+alt+t to launch 

I know my advices are verry general. This is what i was trying to do in the 



Dňa 2.4.2012, o 17:36, Dave Hunt <ka1...@gmail.com> napísal:

> Yah, I know, I said I'm giving up, but have trouble doing that.  LOL.
> When I put 12.04 onto a flash drive, I used the unetbootin program, and gave 
> the system as much persistent space as the drive's capacity will allow.  When 
> I start the resulting system, I never get the chance to choose an accessible 
> session (no drums or music ever sound).  Should I do something differently 
> when making the usb system?    I start with the Precise desktop, found in the 
> dailylive directory.  Below is how I invoke unetbootin to make this system 
> (ignore line breaks).
> Any thoughts?
> Dave
> sudo unetbootin method=diskimage 
> isofile=/home/dave/Downloads/precise-desktop-i386.iso installtype=USB 
> targetdrive=/dev/sdb persistentspace=9999 autoinstall=yes
> -- 
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