This will be my last response as per your wishes Jared, I am saddened that you 
and Melissa stifle change, you misquote the code of conduct to server your own 
needs. I guess it will be good to trot  it out to stop folks challenging your 

 Lots of luck in your dictatorship & whoa behold anyone who challenges  your 
authority. I guess I will be kicked off the list for this but I believe it had 
to be said.


Jared Norris <> wrote ..      Good evening Andrew and the 
Ubuntu-AU list,   Firstly I would like to say that I agree the Ubuntu-AU team 
could use a lot more people willing to help out as much as you have in the 
Brisbane area. I do however have some reservations about your ongoing tirade of 
emails about the ACC.   I would again like to point out to all members the 
Ubuntu Code of Conduct at With this in 
mind I would like to draw attention specifically to the section:    “Please 
avoid flamewars, trolling, personal attacks, and repetitive arguments. On 
technical matters, the Technical Review Board can make a final decision. On 
matters of community governance, the Community Council can make a final 
decision. “   I have sat down tonight and seen yet again another post by 
yourself on the subject so it made me think about it some more. I have drawn up 
a table and worked out that of the 5 or 6 separate discussions on this t
 opic it boils down to 6 people who are for your ACC, 8 people who are against 
your ACC and 6 people that were either neutral to your proposal or off topic 
with other issues. I would then like to point out that the 6 people that were 
FOR your proposed ACC have contributed 40 emails to the list on the topic. The 
people who were AGAINST your proposed ACC have contributed 10 emails in total. 
The people that were NEUTRAL/OFF TOPIC to your proposed ACC have sent in 14 
emails. This is a total of 64 contributions from 20 different people.   Please 
do not mistake a large number of emails to the list as a large groundswell of 
support, you personally have contributed 11 emails to this tally.   As far as I 
can work out unless a lot more people come forward to support your idea it 
doesn't seem to be gaining much traction when you realise there is 337 people 
on this list ( If you add 
to that the fact that as a list administrator I have s
 een 12 people unsubscribe since the topic started less than a week ago you 
will understand this current email.   Unless there is a large number of people 
coming forward in the near future I don't think it's realistic to completely 
change how things are run when the way things are as we speak do not prevent 
anyone from organising activities beyond the scope of the aforementioned Code 
of Conduct.   Keep up with the good work with regards to promoting Ubuntu 
within Brisbane but I think it's time to draw to a close the ongoing campaign 
of the ACC. Regards,Jared Norris
ubuntu-au mailing list

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