"Watch the door on the way out."

You call that respectful, Dave?  Seems like arrogance and insulting to me.
Definitely not in keeping with the CoC.  Where are the moderators?


On 19 April 2010 11:32, Dave Hall <dave.h...@skwashd.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 09:30 +1000, Tony "H.G" Candito wrote:
> > I've spoken to a a bunch of people through email last week & this
> > week, including a few people who contacted me off-list regarding a
> > response I made RE: ACC.
> > Most of them are so tired of banging their heads again the wall thy
> > can't even be bothered voicing things anymore, they're just over it. A
> > few of them were also intent on unsubscribing, which they have
> > obviously now done. - So don't blame that on Andrew, they've left
> > precisely _because_ of the lack of response, at lest the 4 I spoke to.
> > They left because of the current structure.
> Maybe you could have encouraged them to speak up publicly on the list to
> support your position.  If people choose not to stand up and be counted
> - and be accountable for their arguments, then their opinion can not be
> considered.
> > I could go on, but there's just no point anymore. I strongly hope hope
> > some of Mellisa's hopelessly attached fanboys wake up and smell the
> > coffee one day.
> > As long as these people have any kind of control, without our votes,
> > it's pointless calling it a community. There's nothing commune about a
> > person + fanboys brick-walling people at every opportunity.
> I disagree with Melissa on a lot of things.  At the same time I don't
> think any structural change will have any real impact on the functioning
> of the LoCo.  What the LoCo needs is people doing real work not blaming
> the structures for the lack of action.
> I have been involved in free software communities for a decade or so
> now.  A long time ago I used to advocate that such groups should be
> truly democratic and that such an approach would solve all the problems.
> Over time I found this didn't work, generally because of 2 reasons,
> firstly someone of the people advocating democracy just wanted control
> but didn't want to earn it or the people who ended up being elected made
> the same mistakes their predecessors did.
> I am yet to see something which demonstrates how the current structure
> is clearly not working.  A new structure will not compel people to
> fulfil your vision.  Propose some type of action, but be willing to
> expect that you will have to put in 100% of the effort to make it
> happen, if others jump in and help great, but don't assume they will.
> > I wash my hands of this list, and I know there's more following suit.
> > Ciao.
> Watch the door on the way out.
> Cheers
> Dave
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