
On 7/26/06, Matthew Revell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For now, it's business as usual. However, the future of The Fridge is
in the community's hands. Reply to this thread if you're interested in
getting involved!

I'd love to help.

Also, it might be interesting to discuss what The Fridge's purpose
should be and how it fits in with plans for Ubuntu Magazine.

If I understand correctly it functions like a portal (somewhat!) for
gathering Ubuntu news and cool Ubuntu events for people to read. How
about using this platform to publish the Ubuntu-Abanta* Magazine.
There may be other issues involved but IMHO it would be better to use
existing resources instead of increasing the Infrastructure work.



* Abanta was suggested in an earlier IRC meet. Has the MT decided to
use this name or do we have a poll for this on LP ?

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