> > Maybe -news team should be a sub-team of -marketing?

I think news should be independent of marketing. Both are independent
and exclusive fields even if information overlap occurs all the time.
 In the marketing team we allow individual community volunteers to
promote their ideas/schemes/whatever.., provided they work on it too.
Some are commercial and/or non-profit which is perfectly ok and a lot
of folks find it useful and nice, so we need to ensure that a new
visitor (who is uninvolved) in the community does not get confused and
thinks its ok to use the marketing team as a way to self-advertise
themselves without actually giving anything back to the community.

> up and running at #ubuntu-news.

how about getting the log bot there ?

> -news: UWN, Fridge, ubuntu.com news

+1, even if all 3 are separate nobody is complaining of information
overdose, which is a good thing :)

> -marketing:DIY, alpha/beta release notes, tours, etc.

Possibly integrate this with the UDS summits and get the loco teams
involved too.

> Here are the bits that need to be decided:
> - What to do with the fridge-devel mailing list?

This has been discussed earlier and I voted to keep the list, and
allow only subscribers to post messages to reduce spam.

> - What to do with the marketing-submissions mailing list?

Even this list seems to attract more spam than useful submissions :-(
I just checked and found a total of 12 posts of which 6 were spam, but
then that is a problem we have on the fridge-devel list too. Keep any
list open and we get more spam than anything useful :-(

> My gut feeling would be to make fridge-devel the ubuntu-news-team
> mailing list, turn off the free submit and then make the

IIRC, we have an ubuntu-news list[0].  Why not use that instead. It
hardly has any post , mostly for UWN.
IMHO, too many mailing lists just create more confusion and more work
for volunteers and also more  explaining to do (as to "this" goes to
foo-list and is off-topic for foo-bar-list).

[0] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news

> -marketing-submissions into -marketing-news-submissions to cover both
> marketing and news inbound information. The reason I say keep one
> submissions mailing list is that people sending stuff in are likely to
> have no idea how we are going to use this information.

see above.

> Anyway, just my thoughts. If they don't make sense, I blame the
> painkillers I am on, as I just had my wisdom teeth out.

Get well soon :)


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