
On 19/08/07, alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew East wrote:
> > On 19/08/07, Chris Rowson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> PS. I haven't had a response to my emails to either Mozilla, or 
> >> Ubuntuvideo.com.
> >
> > If the guy running ubuntuvideo.com isn't responsive, that is a
> > substantial problem, given that the site is supposed to be a marketing
> > team project. We should definitely try and get hold of him to discuss
> > how to resolve that.
> I would prefer to regard the putting right any lack in the particular
> Ubuntu team as a separate project activity, and I would not want it to
> prevent the main idea, which is to use actually do Marketing. Let us
> run with the offer?

Feel free to correct my understanding but I think you're pushing at a
different door. Ubuntuvideo.com doesn't host videos; it streams them
and is a site which I think can be used to front the project: i.e. to
promote videos, allow users to vote on them etc. As for hosting, free
hosting is available from youtube and archive.org which I believe Alan
Pope used for screencasts.ubuntu.com, but if better offers for hosting
videos produced by the marketing team come in, then there is no reason
not to consider them.

As for videos produced by others which are already hosted around the
internet, hosting isn't needed for those, it's just the "viral" part
of the project which then comes into play. Or have I misunderstood?

Matthew East
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