On Fri, 2008-05-30 at 13:56 -0500, John Vilsack wrote:
> Actually, I think Natural Selection will take care of this to a
> greater or lesser extent.

That's veeerrrrry interesting, as Arte Johnson used to say on Laugh In.
As soemeone wha has a very strong background in the social sciences, I
feel that natural selection, for the humans species, is more culturally
influenced than for say chimps or gorillas. We can control, either
consciously or unconsciosusly, our own future as a species;. Right now
it's more unconscious than conscious.
> To truly embrace the open source movement, we have no ability to ask
> unpaid volunteers to focus on any one particular piece of the project.
> Sure, we can make recommendations, but in the long run, people will
> focus on what they want to focus on.

This is true, but, certain roles can only be filled by one person at a
time, for instance, Fearless Leader. If more than one person is willing
and able to fill that role, then the team needs to decide by a
democratic vote. That is the point I was trying to make. No one should
be asked to do something they do not want to do, and I certainly hope
that I did not imply otherwise.
> My intent is to have us focus on the Marketing aspects of Ubuntu in a
> similar way that the Development team focuses on the distribution.
> Our "bugs" will be outstanding tasks that anyone can address.  Our
> "roles" will be similar to the various aspects of the Linux and Ubuntu
> distribution as a whole. Our "code base" will be a central repository
> that the core-marketers have final approval on that anyone and
> everyone can access as "Approved for Distribution" dissemination.

I think we all are in agreement on this.
> I will try and get this done as soon as possible, but I do have a full
> time job and several voluntary positions, so I am doing my best to get
> my proverbial ducks in a row :)
We all, I am sure, appreciate your efforts in helping ua get our act
together. I know I do :-)

> I definitely think that my idea will allow for several of us to take
> on a leadership role in the various areas that we have to cover...this
> isn't going to be a one person show by any means.  We have alot to do,
> alot of ground to cover, and alot of different balls to juggle at the
> same time.

Hey, that's what makes life fun!!!!
> I hope any contribution I can make can help accomplish this goal
> further.  However you have every right to say I am a quack and I
> should shut my yapper :)  This is the beauty of democracy!

That is the LAST possible thing I would ever say to you, John.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:04 PM, John Botscharow
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         On Fri, 2008-05-30 at 08:45 -0500, John Vilsack wrote:
>         > I've also begun listing out the various roles that I
>         envision would be
>         > a part of this type of restructure, and I hope that those
>         actively
>         > contributing to the list now would be willing to step up and
>         assume
>         > ownership of one of these.
>         This is the area, I suspect, where we will need to cast votes,
>         unless I
>         have completely misjudged the situation. I suspect that there
>         will be
>         more than one volunteer for at least some of the roles, and
>         that is
>         good. It should be the membership that decides who they want
>         to assume
>         those roles.
>         >
>         --
>         Peace!
>         John
>         You do have choice on what operating system you use:
>         http://www.ubuntu.com/
>         I am an Ubuntu user!
>         My profile: https://launchpad.net/~jbotscharow
>         My wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnBotscharow
>         --------------------------------------------------------------
>         Read my blog: http://hbotscharow.com
>         John Botscharow: Reflections on Religion, Politics & Life
> -- 
> John Vilsack
> Network Administrator
> The-House.com
> 300 S Owasso Blvd E
> St. Paul, MN 55117
> http://www.the-house.com
> p. 651.482.9995
> f. 651.482.1353


You do have choice on what operating system you use:

I am an Ubuntu user!
My profile: https://launchpad.net/~jbotscharow
My wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnBotscharow

Read my blog: http://hbotscharow.com
John Botscharow: Reflections on Religion, Politics & Life

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