On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 12:01 PM, John Botscharow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a theory, but you may not like it:-) A lack of a formal
> leadership structure. Specific "offices" that are filled as they become
> vacant.

Frankly speaking, its not entirely true that we lack leaders in
Ubuntu. In the past too we have had good projects (SU?) but as we all
know a project does not go forward with just chiefs/heads...it needs
folks willing to pick up the spade and dig. Maybe that is where things
fizzed out. In my experience with the libre software community one
leads by example instead of waiting for stuff to get done (read, paid
employees in the outside world).

I agree with the others, lets not hurry to elect a group of leaders
until such time as the relationship, tasks, role, etc... with
Canonical marketing team is mutually established. It would be nicer to
have a synergy with them, if nothing else.

> And for those on this team who are not Christians, every
> major religion has similar history.

erm... without meaning to digress, mine[1] does not.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatana_Dharma

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